【试题l】阅读下面材料。完成有关问题材料一:南极冰盖最高点示意图(新华社图片)。 材料二:科学家介绍,冰穹A作为南极冰盖冰芯钻探仅存的最后一个理想地点和世界上冰雪现代气候环境观测、大气与气象观测等独一无二的“科学观测站”,在科学上的意义是地球上其他任何科学观测站所
[Test 1] Read the following materials. Completion of related issues Material 1: Schematic diagram of the highest point of the Antarctic ice sheet (Xinhua News Agency picture). Material 2: Scientists introduce that the Hail A is the last ideal location for the Antarctic ice cap ice core drilling, and the world’s unique “science observatory” such as modern climate and environmental observations and atmospheric and meteorological observations. It is of scientific significance. Is any other scientific observation station on earth