
来源 :湖北政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tina_lh
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《国务院公报》是1955年经国务院常务会议决定创办、由国务院办公厅编辑出版的面向国内外公开发行的政府出版物,是公布国家法律、法规和方针、政策的重要载体,是依法治国、依法行政的重要工具。《国务院公报》主要刊登全国人大及其常委会制定的法律和有关法律问题的决定,国家主席令,国务院发布的行政法规及各类重要文件,选登国务院各部门法规性文件和重要规章。 The Official Gazette of the State Council is an important government publication promulgated by a standing meeting of the State Council in 1955 and published and edited by the General Office of the State Council for domestic and foreign public offerings. It is an important carrier for promulgating laws, regulations, guidelines and policies of the state and is the principle of governing the country according to law Administrative important tool. The “State Council Bulletin” mainly publishes the decisions made by the NPC and its Standing Committee on laws and relevant legal issues, the State President’s Decree, the administrative regulations promulgated by the State Council and various important documents and the election of the regulatory documents and important rules and regulations of the various departments of the State Council.
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兹将本刊今年第1期所载22篇论文之标题、作者、摘要、关键词等英文翻译刊载于此,以资检索。 We hereby publish the English translations of the titles, authors, abstrac