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同志们: 我们在认真贯彻落实党的十六届三中全会精神的热潮之际,又迎来了《中华人民共和国统计法》颁布实施二十周年。这是全省统计系统的一件大事、喜事。按照国家统计局的部署和省局《统计法》颁布20周年纪念活动组委会的安排,全省各地统计部门结合本地实际,因地制宜的开展了一系列形式多样、内容丰富、意义深刻的纪念活动,在全省范围内掀起了新一轮学习宣传《统计法》的高潮。统计法制宣传月活动期间,各地统计部门统一部署,认真组织,积极参加国家统计局组织的有奖征文活动和统计法知识竞赛活动,全省3000多名各类统计人员踊跃答题;西宁、海东分别组织了由地区各级领导干部和本系统全体 Comrades: On the occasion of earnestly implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, we have also ushered in the twentieth anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the “Statistics Law of the People’s Republic of China.” This is a major event in the province’s statistical system, happy event. According to the arrangement of the National Bureau of Statistics and the organizing committee of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the “Statistics Law” promulgated by the State Bureau of Statistics, statistical departments across the province have conducted a series of commemorative activities with various forms, rich contents and profound significance according to local conditions in light of local conditions. , Set off a new round of learning and propaganda at the province-wide “statistical method” climax. During the period of statistics and legal publicity month, the statistical departments in all places unifiedly deployed and conscientiously organized and actively participated in the prizes and essay activities organized by the National Bureau of Statistics and the knowledge contest on statistics law. More than 3,000 statisticians in the province enthusiastically answered questions; Xining and Haidong Organized by the region’s leading cadres at all levels and the system as a whole
【摘要】写作一直是很多学生的难点。本文就提高学生写作水平过程中教师所要做的指导、学生应遵循的原则,从阅读、模仿、创新三个方面进行分析和研究。  【关键词】中学语文作文;阅读;模仿;创作  【中图分类号】G632 【文献标识码】A  随着现代社会的发展,写作成了人类生存的必需技巧,特别是近年来中高考作文分数的比重加大,写好作文成为学生升学的关键,写不好作文又成了许多家长和学生的心病。笔者根据学习经验
目的:调查我院临床抗菌药物应用情况,分析总结不合理用药现象,促进临床合理用药。方法:随机抽取我院2007年1月-10月各科室出院病历1 600份。对其中使用抗菌药物的病历作出分
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