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王莉小档案:1956年生于四川成都,中共党员,药学博士,四川大学临床医学院教授、博士生导师,国家(成都)中药安全性评价中心主任。国家食品药品监督管理局(SFDA)药品审评专家,卫生部健康相关产品审评专家,四川省环境诱变剂学会副理事长,四川省预防医学会卫生毒理学专业委员会副主任委员。从事药效学、药代、毒代动力学研究20余年,在国内外发表论文70余篇;迄今为止,在国内外共承担化学药、中药、生物药物等新药研究与评价30余项。获得三项国家发明专利和一项美国专利,荣获全国第三届“新世纪巾帼发明家”创新奖。2006年7月22日,星期六。在位于成都高新区的国家(成都)中药安全性评价中心实验室,我们见到了王莉。“我真没有什么先进的事迹,只是一个很普通的人。”刚一见面,王莉谦逊的话语印证了同事们对她的评价内敛,“其实,任何人只要少玩点,坚持做一件事,没有什么做不成的。”没用太长时间进行沟通,我们就在聊家常似的交谈中进入了采访。东渡扶桑只为学习新技术1977年,王莉考上了四川医学院(现四川大学华西医学院)药学系药学专业。1982年初,她以优异的成绩毕业并留在了华西医院,主要从事医院制卉畸的研究及分析测试方面的工作。1991年,王莉东渡日本,来到名古屋大学求学,如期获得了药学博士学位。“我出国的初衷很简单,没有想拿博士学位,只是想到国外学习和掌握一些具有应用价值的新技术、新方法,把自己培养成实用性人才,回国后做些有应用价值的研究工作。”谈起国外求学的经历,王莉述说着自己的真实想法。也正是抱着这样的目标,在日本她一心扑在科研上,大部分时间都在实验室里度过。她几乎每天早上9点进实验室,晚上12点才出来,有时干脆就住在实验室。1993年,王莉回到母校,承担起了科技部的扶贫项目《中国芦荟的产业化研究与发展。在项目的实施过程中,王莉多次往返国内外,十几趟来回于凉山、攀枝花以及海南等地区,考察建立芦荟种植基地的可行性。按照产业化发展目标,王莉主持完成了从芦荟的种植到基础研究及原料加工提取、化妆品、保健品等80余项相关产品的系统开发,获得两项芦荟原料加工提取工艺的国家发明专利,并获得国家5郎委《国家重点推荐新产品》证书,使四川芦荟产品生产企业的产品品种数量、产量均位居全国第一。毅然回国助推成果转化 Wang Li 小 档案: Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in 1956, Member of CPC, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor of Clinical Medicine of Sichuan University, doctoral supervisor, Director of Chinese (Chengdu) Safety Evaluation Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine. State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) drug review experts, health-related product review experts Ministry of Health, Sichuan Province Institute of Environmental Mutagens vice president, Sichuan Province Preventive Medical Association vice chairman of the Committee of Toxicology. He has been engaged in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics for over 20 years and has published more than 70 papers at home and abroad. So far, he has undertaken over 30 research and evaluation on new drugs such as chemical drugs, traditional Chinese medicines and biological medicines at home and abroad. Won three national invention patents and one US patent, and won the third “Innovation Award for Innovative Women in the New Century.” Saturday, July 22, 2006. We met Wang Li at the National (Chengdu) Chinese Medicine Safety Evaluation Center Laboratory in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone. “I really did not have any advanced deeds, but a very ordinary person.” Just met, Wang humility of the words confirmed my colleagues reserved for her, “In fact, anyone as long as less playing point, insist on doing one There's nothing that can not be done. ”Without much time to communicate, we went into an interview in a chat we talked about. Dongdu Fuso only to learn new technologies In 1977, Wang Li admitted to the Sichuan Medical College (now West Sichuan University Huaxi Medical College) pharmacy pharmacy. At the beginning of 1982, she graduated with honors and stayed in West China Hospital, mainly engaged in the research and analysis and testing of the hospital system. In 1991, Wang Li east to Japan, came to Nagoya University, scheduled to obtain a Ph.D. “My original intention of going abroad was simple. I did not want to take a doctoral degree. I only thought of studying abroad and mastering some new techniques and methods with practical value to cultivate myself into practical talents. After returning home, I will do some valuable research work. Talking about the experience of studying abroad, Wang Li said his true thoughts. It is also holding such a goal, in Japan she is bent on scientific research, spent most of the time in the laboratory. She enters the lab almost every morning at 9 o'clock in the morning and comes out at 12 o'clock in the evening, sometimes living in a laboratory altogether. In 1993, Wang Li returned to his alma mater and took on the poverty alleviation project of the Ministry of Science and Technology. ”Research and Development on Industrialization of Chinese Aloe.“ During the implementation of the project, Wang Li went back and forth many times at home and abroad, and went back and forth to Liangshan, Panzhihua and Hainan provinces for more than ten times to examine the feasibility of establishing aloe planting base. In accordance with the industrialization development goals, Wang Li presided over the completion of the system development from the cultivation of aloe to basic research and extraction of raw materials, cosmetics, health products more than 80 related products, access to two national invention patents aloe raw materials extraction process, And won the national Lang Lang 5 ”national key recommendation of new products" certificate, so that Sichuan aloe products manufacturing enterprises in the number of varieties, output ranked first in the country. Resolutely returned to help promote the transformation
一、可在一台录像机上同时录制6路监控现场的彩色或黑白图象。 二、内含16路输入1路输出的时序切换器,可在录制监控现场图象的同时,在配套的终端上自动切换显示全部16个监控
费城,玛兰妮驾车在繁华的街道上找房子、找工作,她因在纽约得罪了人而被传讯,要在这个新地方重新开始生活。 玛兰妮在一家建筑公司找到了一份秘书的工作,她的上司玛格丽·贝
××老师: 那天在船上同你进行了一番有关句法分析问题的讨论之后,回来我进一步作了些思考,觉得有些意思当时没有表述清楚,需要补充讲几句。我总觉得你在给学生讲完了句子分
①I’m a teacher。②He’s gone to school. 英语中的“’”(或’)称为省字号,其功用是省去词语中的部分字母。I’m就是I am,He’s就是He has. 汉语现行的标点符号是“五四
目的 探讨喉癌、癌旁组织、声带息肉中抑癌基因 P2 7的表达有无差异 ,揭示 P2 7表达与喉癌临床特征之间的关系。方法 用免疫组织化学 S- P法对 38例喉癌组织、癌旁组织及 2