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目的 研究弥漫性轴索损伤 (DAI)的CT征象特点 ,旨在提高对DAI的认识 ,以利于早期诊治。材料与方法 对 32例临床疑有DAI的头颅CT扫描资料进行回顾性分析。结果  32例DAI的主要CT表现是 :①脑肿胀 2 4例 ;②脑白质、灰白质交界区、基底节和胼胝体斑点状、小片状出血灶 8例 ;③蛛网膜下腔出血 7例 ;④合并脑挫裂伤 5例、硬膜外 /硬膜下血肿 4例。结论 CT检查是诊断DAI的首选和必检的手段 ,可以间接推测DAI的病理改变及程度 ,有利于作出早期正确、全面的诊断和制定恰当的治疗方案。 Objective To study the CT features of diffuse axonal injury (DAI) in order to improve the understanding of DAI in order to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment. Materials and Methods 32 cases of suspected DAI head CT scan data were retrospectively analyzed. Results The main CT findings of 32 cases of DAI were as follows: (1) 24 cases of brain swelling; (8) white matter, gray matter junction, basal ganglia and corpus callosum spotted flaps with small flaps; 8 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage (7 cases) ④ merge cerebral contusion in 5 cases, 4 cases of epidural / subdural hematoma. Conclusions CT examination is the first choice and must-check measure for the diagnosis of DAI. It can indirectly predict the pathological changes and degree of DAI, which is helpful to make the correct and comprehensive diagnosis early and to formulate the proper treatment plan.
目的报道201例二尖瓣替换(MVR)术后并发2例左心室破裂(LVR)的体会.方法全组MVR 201例,单纯MVR 161例,双瓣置换40例.MVR缝合方法:间断缝合180例,连续缝合21例.侧倾碟瓣(国产)1
应用经尿道接触式激光联合TUR切除浅表膀胱癌 38例 ,体会该方法具有速度快、安全、疗效可靠的优点 ,可以弥补分别单独使用经尿道接触式激光和经尿道电切术的不足。 The appl
Terahertz(THz)technique is a new measurement technique that has emerged in recent years. For the measurement of solid concentration, a radiation attenuation met