徐守盛强调加大力度和步伐 继续深化行政审批制度改革

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行政审批制度,是我国建国以来计划经济条件下的产物,随着时代的进步和社会的发展,这项制度在许多地方出现了不能适应改革开放、发展中国特色市场经济的情况。党中央、国务院审时度势、与时俱进,做出了加快行政审批制度改革的重大部署,这是关系到改革、稳定、发展大局,关系到加入WTO后政府提高管理水平和办事效率,关系到社会经济快速发展的重要举措。我省自2001年2月以来,认真开展了行政审批制度改革工作,目前已经分四批减少行政审批项目814项,减幅41.3%,并对保留项目进行了规范和完善,这项工作在总体上取得了阶段性成果。今后,我省还需要在这方面做好哪些工作?在7月21日省政府召开的行政审批制度改革工作新闻发布会上,省委常委、常务副省长、省行政审批制度改革工作领导小组组长徐守盛同志发表了讲话,他在讲话中提出了今年行政审批制度改革工作的目标和任务,现摘发其主要内容,供大家学习。 The system of administrative examination and approval is the product of the planned economy since the founding of our nation. With the progress of the times and the development of society, the system has, in many places, failed to meet the requirements of reform and opening up and the development of a market economy with Chinese characteristics. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have been assessing the current situation and advancing with the times and have made major plans to speed up the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, which is related to the overall situation of reform, stability and development. It is related to the government’s improvement in management and efficiency after its entry into the WTO, An important measure of rapid economic development. Since February 2001, our province has earnestly carried out the work of reforming the administrative examination and approval system. At present, 814 administrative examination and approval projects have been reduced in four batches, a decrease of 41.3%, and the reserved items have been standardized and perfected. Achieved on the stage results. In the future, our province also need to do what work in this area? July 21 provincial government held the administrative examination and approval system reform press conference, the Provincial Standing Committee, executive vice governor, the provincial administrative examination and approval system reform Leading Group Comrade Xu Shousheng, leader of the group, delivered a speech in which he proposed the objectives and tasks of the work of reforming the administrative examination and approval system for this year. Now, the main contents of the reform are summarized for everyone’s study.
本刊讯日前,安徽省霍山县、怀宁县、南谯区、东至县、临泉县、濉溪县、砀山县等7县(区)项目成功进入了2008年度国家科技富民强 Recently, Huoshan County in Anhui Province
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