【摘 要】
氧化石墨烯是一种新型二维碳纳米材料,可对职业暴露人群构成潜在的健康风险。本文从氧化应激、物理损伤和酶活性紊乱等分子机制综述了氧化石墨烯及其衍生物的细胞毒性研究进展,讨论当前细胞毒性减轻机制的研究热点,以期为我国石墨烯材料职业健康风险防控和生物安全性评估提供参考依据。“,”Graphene oxide is a novel two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial, but it has potential risks for the health of occupationally exposed workers. This article briefly reviews the research progress on the cytotoxic mechanism of graphene oxide and its derivatives in terms of oxidative stress, physical damage and dysfunction of enzyme activity. This review also discusses effective measures for the mitigation of cytotoxicity in order to provide helpful evidence for occupational health risk and biological safety assessment of graphene nanomaterials in China.
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