促进戏剧创作 培养艺术人才——商洛地区一九八○年戏剧创作暨青年演员汇报演出巡回观摩综述

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组织地区性的戏剧巡回观摩,是促进戏剧创作,培养艺术人才的有效措施。商洛地委、行署及各县领导和文化主管部门十分重视这项工作。近几年来,基本上是一年一次。《屠夫状元》《牧童与小姐》等优秀剧目,就是在巡回观摩中发现、扶植、不断加工而成的。一九八○年全区戏剧创作暨青年演员汇报演出巡回观摩,于去年十一月二十七日开始,十二月二十二日结束,历时二十八天,八个剧团演出了十六台戏,对创作和演出进行了评奖。这次戏剧巡回观摩,是在省国庆三十周年献礼演出之后,在地委和行署的直接领导下,开始准备的,80年春季向各县文教局和剧团作了具体 Organizing regional theater roving tours is an effective measure to promote drama creation and arts talent training. Shangluo prefectural and administrative departments and county leaders and cultural departments attach great importance to this work. In recent years, basically once a year. Outstanding repertory such as “Butcher’s First Class”, “Shepherd Boy and Miss” was discovered, nurtured and processed continuously during the roving tour. In 1980, the district drama creation and youth performers reported their roving tour. The show started on November 27 last year and ended on December 22 for 28 days. The eight troupes performed sixteen performances Taiwan drama, the creation and performance awards. This drama roving tour was started on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the National Day of the People’s Republic of China and began to be prepared under the direct leadership of the prefectural and administrative departments. In the spring of 1980, specific instructions were given to the Education Bureau and the troupe
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沙湾林场的达字庙苗圃建于1967年,圃地面积45亩,现有育苗面积27.5亩。 沙湾林场育苗时间较长,基础较好,有一定的技术力量和育苗经验。长期以来,由于“大锅饭”的经营管理办法
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