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随着能源的日益紧张和能源价格的不断上涨,人们迫切需要新的高效换热设备和热回收设备。以水铜热管为换热元件的热管换热器,是近年来才发展起来的一种先进的换热设备,并以它优异的传热特性受到人们广泛重视。国外目前已经开始按系列批量生产热管换热器,如美国Q-Dot公司到1979年已经生产了3千台热管换热器,包括几十万支工业热管。这些设备应用于回收能源,每年可节省几百万桶燃料油。大量的应用实践证明,热管换热器在回收低温度热中有广阔的前景。因此,热管换热器在能源工程上的研究和应用已经成为热管发 With the increasing energy shortage and rising energy prices, people are in urgent need of new efficient heat exchangers and heat recovery equipment. The heat pipe heat exchanger with water-copper heat pipe as the heat-exchange element is an advanced heat-exchange equipment developed in recent years, and has received extensive attention due to its excellent heat transfer characteristics. Foreign countries have begun mass production of heat pipe heat exchanger series, such as the United States Q-Dot company by 1979 has produced 3,000 heat pipe heat exchanger, including hundreds of thousands of industrial heat pipe. These devices are used to recycle energy and save millions of barrels of fuel oil annually. A large number of application shows that heat pipe heat exchanger in the recovery of low temperature heat has broad prospects. Therefore, heat pipe heat exchanger in energy engineering research and application has become a heat pipe
只有把哲学原理和商人的经营智慧结合起来,才能让你的经营和管理上升到一个新的台阶 Only by combining the philosophical principles with the business intelligence of
Mitsubishi材料公司开发了一种便于在集 成电路块上形成薄膜的有机金属复合新材料。这种新材料具有气化性好、分步复盖性能佳、热稳定性高等特点。他很适用于金属氧化物化学
近日,从安溪铁观音同业公会成立大会上获悉,2011年,安溪茶企将抱团在欧洲成立安溪铁观音首家营销中心。据了解,安溪铁观音同业公会将在去年上半年, Recently, from Anxi Tie
据文汇报消息,当下流行的“慢阅读”概念正引起越来越多人的兴趣和共鸣。科学家在一项研究中发现,亚洲一些新兴国家的人们,不知不觉间走路速度已比10年 According to Wen We
It is proved that the ultimate strength of postbuckling for simply supported rectangular composite thin plates under compression is far higher than their buckli
介绍一种用单片机实现的高精度重锤落速检测系统,详细地描述了检测系统的硬件电路设计和软件实现。 Describes a kind of high accuracy hammer falling speed detection sy
江苏省泗阳中学刘以果教师回答:  尽管高中地理教育改革正在不断推进与深化,高中地理教学现状有了一定改观,但目前我国高中地理课堂教学实践仍存在不少问题。  教学结构不合理教师在课堂上仍“以教师讲授为主、以记忆为主、以书本内容为主”,偏重知识的传授,忽视学生创新实践能力的培养,束缚了学生的想象力与创造力,忽略了操作性、实践性知识的学习,不利于激发学生主体性,学生学习的主动性和积极性受到严重制约。  师