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拥有7万人口的霸州市胜芳镇,1985年乡镇企业总产值成为河北省第一个亿元镇之后,到1998年底,已达到年产值35.7亿元,12年增长30多亿,平均每年递增33.9%,如此大的跨跃是何原因?“中国乡镇之星”、“全国乡镇企业思想政治工作先进单位”、“全国乡镇企业示范区”、“小康示范镇”等国家级的荣誉称号,以及数不清的省级以上行业先进单位称号,如同一座座丰碑,记录下了改革开放以来历届镇委、镇政府领导班子团结奋斗的足迹。承前启后,团结奋斗求发展改革开放以来,胜芳镇党委换了五任书记,抚今追昔,究其快速稳定发展之谜,都说是上届班子留下的底子硬,环境好。一是团结之风代代相传。几位书记都把党政“一把手”的团结作为凝聚整个班子的基础,用党政“一把手”的团结带动整个班子的团结,用班子的团结带动全镇上下的团结。二是在研究制定经济发展思路上,每任书记都是在 With a population of 70,000, the town of Shengfang in Bazhou, 1985, the total output value of township enterprises in Hebei Province became the first billion in the town, by the end of 1998, has reached an annual output value of 3.57 billion yuan, 12 years, more than 30 billion, an average of each year An increase of 33.9%, what is the reason for such a big leap? “China Star of Township”, “Advanced Unit of Ideological and Political Work of Township Enterprises in China”, “Demonstration Zone of National Township Enterprises”, “Well-off Model Town ”And other national honorary titles, as well as countless provincial-level advanced unit title above, as a monument, recorded since the reform and opening up the previous town party committee and government leadership team unity and struggle. Since the reform and opening up to the outside world, the party committee of Shengfang Town has changed its position as secretary of the five parties for the past few years and has studied the mystery of its rapid and steady development. Both said that the foundation left by the previous one was a hard foundation and the environment was good. First, the unity of the wind handed down from generation to generation. All the secretaries have regarded the unity of party and government as the “top leader” as the basis for uniting the whole team. They brought the solidarity of the entire team with the unity of the party and the government and the “top leaders” and led the unity of the entire town with the unity of the party. Second, in studying and formulating economic development ideas, every secretary is there
计算正弦规的块规垫高一般是按正弦规量柱中心距 L 乘以 sinα(工件的锥角)来计算。常见的角度形工件,除了以“度”标注外,最多见是以锥度值 K 标注,还有楔形工件以斜度值 K
数 学广义Volterra方程的极限环………………………………………………………戴国仁(1)关于广义二阶线性递归序列凡(r)=r凡-1(r)+民夕)的单值性……………屈明华(D)关于丢番