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绿水青山环绕,鲜花处处盛开,明净整洁的矿区,机声隆隆的厂房,奔腾的矿浆,球场上矿工矫健的身影,活动室里传出的阵阵嘹亮歌声……一个历经42载风雨依旧焕发出蓬勃生机的老矿山,就这样,和着灿烂的阳光出现在记者眼前。你很难想像,这就是已经超期服役25年,资源即将枯竭,被原中国有色金属工业总公司要求尽快转产分流的重点矿山企业———泗顶铅锌矿。你更想不到的是,在远离矿山的广西融安县浮石镇七星坡上,一个宏伟的化冶厂已经拔地而起。热火朝天的建设工地上,一台台新装的机器,一座座新建的厂房,让人目不暇接,眼花缭乱。这是勤劳、智慧的泗顶矿人用心血和汗水建立起的一个新型泗顶矿,是泗顶矿在新世纪里腾飞的希望! Surrounded by mountains and rivers, flowers are in full bloom, the clean and clean mining area, the rumbling factory building, the Pentium’s pulp, the sturdy figure of the miners on the court, the bright voice of the singing in the activity room... A 42-story storm still glows. The flourishing old mine is like this, and appears in the eyes of reporters with bright sunshine. It is hard to imagine that this is the key mine company that has already been out of service for 25 years and its resources are about to run dry. It was originally requested by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation to switch production and diversion as soon as possible. What is even more unexpected is that, on the Qixingpo, Pumice Town, Rongan County, Guangxi, a magnificent metallurgical plant has risen. Overheated construction sites, a newly installed machine, a newly built factory building, people dizzying, dazzling. This is a new type of dome mine built by diligent and wise Minding Miners with painstaking efforts and sweat. It is the hope of Yudingding to take off in the new century!
南通道。以南盘江红水河、澜沧江、乌江和金沙江中游水电基地为主进行开发。南盘江红水河共 12个梯级电站 ,总装机容量为 1312万kW ,将在 2 0 2 0年开发完毕。澜沧江共 14个梯
世界轴承行业近年来出现了以提高产品质量 ,降低成本 ,提高竞争力 ,重新对市场产销定位 ,进行产品结构调整的趋势。受此牵动 ,中国滚动轴承行业也处于与国际接轨的调整中。去
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一、当前我国水产加工业的概况 20世纪80年代以来,我国水产业的发展突飞猛进,2000年我国水产品总产量为4278.89万吨;水产品对外贸易总量405.4万吨,对外贸易总额达56.8亿美元
After joining in WTO,Chinese enterprises face more intense competitive environments. The problems, such as many foreign capital enterprises swarming into China,
半年多以来 ,福日一直扮演着移动 PC的“尖兵”角色 ,活跃于国内的移动计算产品市场 ,其间鲜有笔记本电脑产品推出。然而进入 8月份 ,福日忽然发力推出其 P4笔记本电脑 N35 0