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二十世纪五、六十年代,我国的广大青年,绝大多数都曾阅读过长篇小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》.书中保尔·柯察金的形象,曾深深激励着他们,在社会主义革命和建设中艰苦奋斗、顽强工作,建功立业.至今,这部不朽的著作仍被我国乃至全世界进步青年当作自己生活的教科书.一 尼·奥斯特洛夫斯基是原苏联三十年代的优秀无产阶级作家.1904年9月29日出生在乌克兰一个工人的家庭.1919年当红军进入乌克兰时,年仅15岁的他第一批参加了共青团,紧接着投入了红军作战部队.在战场上,他英勇杀敌、奋不顾身,终因头部和腹部受重伤,左眼失明,于1920年退役,转入做政治工作.1924年入党,次年健康情况进一步恶化.1926年,终于导致瘫痪.他在病床上修完了共产主义夜大学的课程,系统地学习了马克思主义经典著作和古典文学作品.1928年在半失明的状态中写出了关于柯托夫斯基师团战士英勇事迹的中篇小说,即 《暴风雨所诞生的》.遗憾的是这部作品的手稿被邮局遗失了.1929年奥斯特洛夫斯基全身瘫痪、双目失明.这时他才二十五岁.他说:“只有我身体还有一个细胞活着,还能抵抗,我就要活下去,就要抵抗.”1930年,奥斯特洛夫斯基迁居莫斯科,在极其艰难的情况下,开始创作长篇小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》.起初他用硬纸板做了个框子,用手摸着一行一 In the 1950s and 1960s, the overwhelming majority of the vast majority of young people in our country read the novel, “How Steel Is Made,” and the image of Paul Kochakin in the book has deeply inspired them, In the course of socialist revolution and construction, he worked hard, worked stubbornly and founds his own merits. To date, this monumental book is still used as a textbook for the progress of youth in our country and even in the world. One of the former Soviet Union, Ostrovsky, An outstanding proletarian writer of the 1930s Born in Ukraine on September 29, 1904 as a worker’s family When the Red Army entered Ukraine in 1919, only 15 years old, he first joined the Communist Youth League, followed by the Red Army combat troops On the battlefield, he bravely fought the enemy and did not care for himself. He was seriously injured in the head and abdomen, his left eye was blind, he was retired in 1920 and moved to political work, joining the party in 1924 and further deteriorating his health in the following year. In 1926, Finally paralyzed.He completed the courses of communist night university in his bed and systematically studied Marxist classics and classical literature.In the state of semi-blindness in 1928, he wrote about the theory of Khodovsky Heroic deeds of the novella, “the storm was born.” Unfortunately, this manuscript was lost at the post office in 1929 Ostrovsky paralyzed, eyes blind, when he was only two At the age of fifteen, he said: “I was going to survive only when there was a cell alive in my body and I was going to survive.” In 1930 Ostrovsky moved to Moscow to work under extremely difficult conditions , Began to create the novel “How steel is made.” At first he made a frame with cardboard, touching his hands one by one
《法国中尉的女人》(The French Lieutenant’sWoman,1969)是英国当代作家约翰·福尔斯的代表作。这是一部实验性很强的小说,经常被人称作是一部“后现代主义”的代表作。这