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一、非公有制经济发展中存在的突出问题及分析宁夏近年来非公有制经济虽然取得了长足的发展,但与东部及周边先进地区相比,无论是总量、规模、档次、管理水平上都存在较大的差距,在发展后劲及持续发展上还有一系列问题不容忽视,迫切需要解决。 I. Outstanding Issues and Analysis in the Development of Non-Public Ownership Ningxia has made great strides in recent years in its development of the non-public ownership economy. However, compared with the eastern region and the advanced regions around the region, Ningxia does not only have the total amount, scale, grade and management level A large gap between the development of stamina and sustainable development there are a number of issues can not be ignored, the urgent need to be resolved.
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Just twenty. seven years ago Ⅰ started my geological-investigations of North Manchuria in connection with the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, on
1.—Introduction. Father E. Licent, S. J., during one, of his travels in Eastern Mongolia, discovered, in the Lycoptera and Ephemeropsis shales, the remnants o
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各县(市、区)人民政府,市府直属有关单位:《梅州市国民经济和社会信息化“十一五”规划》业经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请结合实际,认真组织实施。 People’s governments o