Sustainability Perspectives When Crop Use Is Implemented in Different Sectors:A Life Cycle Assessmen

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshi8848
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The present study aims to provide a preliminary overview of the sustainability concept when biomasses conceived for food goals become the raw materials upon which different sectors,such as plastic or energy industry,can develop innovative strategies,according to a so called “greener” competitiveness.In the results hereafter presented,the definition of sustainability perspectives,according to the use of a life cycle assessment(LCA) approach,will be described for maize use as raw material in different sectors.The current biopolymer industry and conventional biofuel technologies,the so called first-generation biofuels,are the more and more in competition with the food sector.The presented environmental evaluation,in terms of air emissions,energy and water consumption,is useful in order to understand the sustainability of a bio-sourced product,in comparison with the equivalent item produced by fossil fuels. The present study aims to provide a preliminary overview of the sustainability concept when biomasses conceived for food goals become the raw materials upon which different sectors, such as plastic or energy industry, can develop innovative strategies, according to a so called “greener” competitiveness.In the results hereafter presented, the definition of sustainability perspectives, according to the use of a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach, will be described for maize use as raw material in different sectors. current biopolymer industry and conventional biofuel technologies, the so called first-generation biofuels, are the more and more in competition with the food sector. presented environmental evaluation, in terms of air emissions, energy and water consumption, is useful in order to understand the sustainability of a bio-sourced product , in comparison with the equivalent item produced by fossil fuels.
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