省委办公厅 省政府办公厅关于印发《关于对涉及农民负担案(事)件实行责任追究的实施细则》的通知

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各市、县(市、区)党委和人民政府,各大企业,各高等院校,省委各部委,省政府各部门,各人民团体,省军区:《关于对涉及农民负担案(事)件实行责任追究的实施细则》(以下简称《实施细则》)已经省委、省政府批准,现印发给你们,并就贯彻落实的有关问题提出以下要求。一、深入学习宣传,进一步提高认识党中央、国务院一直高度重视减轻农民负担工作,制定了一系列政策措施。对涉及农民负担案(事)件实行责任追究,是党中央、国务院加大减轻农民负担工作力度的新举措,对于切实减轻农民负担、保护广大农民的合法权益、维护农村社会稳定,具有十分重要的意义。各级、各部门要以江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想为指导,从讲政治和全局的高度,充分认识对涉及农民负担案(事)件实行责任追究的重要性和严肃性,增强贯彻执行的自觉性。各级特别是县、乡两级党委、政府,要结合实行对涉及农民负担案(事)件责任追究制度,组织广大干部特别是领导干部认真学习中共中央办公 Party committees and people’s governments at all levels in cities, counties (cities, districts), universities and colleges, universities and colleges, ministries and commissions of the provincial committees, departments and departments of all levels of the people’s government, people’s organizations and provincial military regions: “ Implementing Accountability Implementing Rules ”(hereinafter referred to as“ Regulations ”) has been approved by the provincial party committee and government and is hereby issued to you and sets forth the following requirements on the implementation of the relevant issues. I. In-depth Study and Propaganda to Further Awareness The Central Party Committee and the State Council have all along attached great importance to alleviating the burden on peasants and formulated a series of policies and measures. It is a new measure taken by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to step up efforts to reduce the burden on peasants. It is very important to effectively reduce the peasants’ burden, protect the lawful rights and interests of the vast number of peasants, and maintain the stability of rural society Meaning. Under the guidance of Comrade Jiang Zemin and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ all levels and departments should fully understand the importance and seriousness of holding accountability for cases involving peasants’ burden from the perspective of politics and the overall situation, Strengthen the consciousness of implementing. Party committees and governments at all levels, especially at the county and township levels, should conscientiously study the accountability system involving the burden on peasants (cases) and organize the cadres, especially leading cadres, to conscientiously study the work of the CPC Central Committee
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