
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shagen_gw
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年前,12月7日至8日,石油职工思想政治工作研究会在北京召开常务理事会议,就进一步办好《石油政工研究》,搞好出版发行等作了专题研讨.出席这次研讨会的有石油政研会部分常务理事,东部地区石油政研分会会长、秘书长和宣传部长以及思想政治工作方面的教授、专家等20多人.研讨中,大家对《石油政工研究》10多年来编辑出版工,作不断改进、发展和取得的进步作了肯定,同时对这个刊物寄予了厚望,提了许多极为重要的建设性意见.这些意见和建议将成为今后办好刊物的重要财富.会议认为,1996年《石油政工研究》要把贯彻中宣部,国家经贸委关于加强和改进企业思想政治工作若干意见作为重点,以此为契机,深入贯彻十四届五中全会精神,把全行业思想政治工作提高到一个新水平.大家还提出《石油政工研究》1996年改为双月刊这是石油行业思想政治工作中的一件重要事情,各单位政研会、宣传部等政工部门领导都要关心这个刊物,积极支持办好这个刊物,这 Years ago, from December 7 to December 8, the seminar on the ideological and political work for petroleum workers held a meeting of executive directors in Beijing and conducted special seminars on further conducting the “study on oil politics and politics” and doing a good job in publishing and publishing. At the seminar There are more than 20 standing members of the Petroleum Political Research Association, the president of the petroleum political research branch in the eastern region, the secretary general and propaganda minister as well as professors and experts in ideological and political work, etc. In the seminar, Editors and publishing workers for their continuous improvement, development and progress made, and at the same time placed great hopes on this publication and made many important constructive comments which will become an important asset for managing publications in the future. The meeting held that in 1996, “Oil Political Research” should focus on implementing the views of the Central Propaganda Department and the State Economic and Trade Commission on strengthening and improving the ideological and political work of enterprises, and take this as an opportunity to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee, The ideological and political work in the industry has been raised to a new level, and everyone has also proposed that the study of petroleum politics be changed into a bimonthly in 1996. This is a part of the ideological and political work in the oil industry. Important things, the unit Policy Research Council, Lands and Propaganda Department and other department heads have to care about this publication, run actively support this publication,
[霓裳羽衣] 穿牛仔裤:十个秘诀不可不知文/田园园关于宽松型、布袋型和超大型牛仔裤宽松型是在臀部和大腿部位不大贴身,膝盖以下又变得合身的一类牛仔裤。这种裤型适合曲线明显的
由中国文联、教育部、上海市人民政府联合主办的第二届中国校园戏剧节于2010年1 1月18日圆满落幕。重庆大学演出的原创话剧《重庆往事·红色恋人》以非艺术类院校第二名的成
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