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“意境”说的出现与唐代律诗属对形式的成熟有关,而这种成熟了的属对技巧又与汉字结构背后所体现出来的表述原则相连。合体字如“会意”、“形声”,是一种拼合构字法,造成了语言的“声”与文字的“形”的时空合构,产生了汉字“声”、“形”互动的“并置呼应”。这种“时空合构”的“并置呼应”原则,影响了诗歌的文体,促成律诗属对形式的成熟,引发了对文本内部诸时空元素多维呼应的“象外”之境的追求,从而导致了“意境”说的应运而生。同时,“并置呼应”不只是个形式问题。“并置”之中的“呼应”本质上体现了自古以来的“情志”传统,是“情志”在诗歌中的激荡,与儒家的“皇道”以及释、道的“道”妙都有关系。“呼应”是“并置”的初衷和目的,是律诗之美和“意境”的“味外之旨”得以实现的基础和动因。 The appearance of “artistic conception” is related to the maturity of the genre of the law of the Tang Dynasty, and this mature genre technique is connected with the principle of expression embodied in the Chinese character structure. The combination of words such as “knowing” and “phonetic” is a combination of spelling and characterization, resulting in the time-space configuration of the “sound” of the language and the “form” of the word, resulting in the interaction of “sound” and “form” Concurrently echoed. “ This principle of ”collocated echoes of time and space“ has influenced the style of poetry and contributed to the maturity of the form of law poetry, which has led to the pursuit of ”the image of the outside world“ in which the elements of space and time are echoed in many dimensions. Led to ”mood“ that came into being. At the same time, ”juxtaposing“ is more than a formal question. ”Echoing“ in ”juxtaposition“ essentially reflects the tradition of ”sentiment“ since ancient times, is the agitation of ”sentiment“ in poetry, and the ”imperialism“ of Confucianism and the ”Taoism“ of Buddhism and Taoism Have a relationship. ”Echoing“ is the original purpose and purpose of ”juxtaposition“, which is the basis and motivation for the realization of ”the purpose of taste“ of the beauty of the law and the ”artistic conception".
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