Narrowband time delay estimation based on correlation coefficient

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pipijiayoua
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The problems of time delay estimation of narrowband signals are presented.The disadvantages of the existing algorithms are analyzed,and a new narrowband time delay estimating algorithm based on correlation coefficient is proposed.The original time delay information is transfered into the delay between the autocorrelation and cross-correlation function,and the precise estimating result by wave-comparison is given.The algorithm proposed here is also compared with other algorithms and its advantages over other algorithms are proved.The theoretical analysis and simulation show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The problems of time delay estimation of narrowband signals are presented. These disadvantages of the existing algorithms are analyzed, and a new narrowband time delay estimating algorithm based on correlation coefficient is proposed. The original time delay information is transfered into the delay between the autocorrelation and cross-correlation function, and the precise estimation result by wave-comparison is given. the algorithm proposed here is also compared with other algorithms and its advantages over other algorithms are proved the theoretical analysis and simulation show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
一个严寒的风雪之夜。金贞淑处理完最后一个病人,回到了大队医疗站——她因方便病人叫出诊常年住在这里。 A cold snowy night. Kim Jong-sook finished the last patient
前言 日本中央干线多摩川桥梁,位于立川—日野间39公里588.28米处。该桥上、下行线均为19孔跨距22.55米的上承板梁。基础和墩体上行线为砖砌圆形结构(1899年竣工),下行线是
上了年纪,多少都有些腿脚不灵光,尤其是爬楼梯,对老人的膝关节更是考验。骨科专家介绍说,爬楼梯属于负重运动,正常人在爬楼梯的时候膝关节承受的压力会在瞬间增加4倍。比如,一个体重为70公斤的人在爬楼梯时其两侧膝关节所承受的压力则高达280公斤。而且,对于很多急性子而言,爬楼梯速度越快,膝关节承受的压力就越大。  建议腿不好的老人尽量减少爬楼频率,如果必须要上下楼梯,最好把握住一个“好上坏下”的原则:上