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在人的一生当中,幼儿时期不但是人生的起步阶段,还是各种行为习惯的形成阶段。以往经验表明,一个人若能在幼年就养成好习惯,那么他自己几乎终生都因此,这一时期的养成教育就变得相当重要:一、创造能促进幼儿养成好习惯的环境著名教育学家杜威有句话说得好:“要想改变一个人,就应当先改变他所处的环境,环境改变了,人也就变了。”正是因为这个原因,幼儿教师在环境布置上,应紧扣使幼儿养成好习惯这一根本目的,精心设计幼儿园内的环境,包括自然环境和人文环境。其中,好的自然环境就是幼儿园所处的周边自然条件怎样?景色如何,是不是靠近闹市区。幼儿园内部设施环境又如何?卫生条件是否达标,儿童室内外公共玩具质量的好坏,等等。但是除此之外,有很多人却忽视了幼儿园人文环境如何这一点,即孩子们在这里能遇到怎样的人文精神。老师是否尽职尽责?他们是否真 In human life, early childhood is not only the beginning of life, but also the formation of various forms of behavior. Past experience shows that if a person can develop good habits at an early age, he is almost always on his own. Therefore, it is very important to develop education during this period. First, to create an environment that promotes the development of good habits for young children Dewey educators have a saying goes: “To change a person, you should first change his environment, the environment changed, people have changed.” It is precisely because of this, preschool teachers in the layout of the environment , We should closely follow the fundamental purpose of bringing good habits to children and carefully design the environment within the kindergarten, including the natural environment and the humanistic environment. Among them, a good natural environment is the kindergarten where the surrounding natural conditions, what is the scenery, is not close to the downtown area. Kindergarten facilities and how the environment? Hygienic conditions are up to standard, children’s indoor and outdoor public good and bad quality toys, and so on. But in addition, many people neglect the humanistic environment of kindergarten, that is, what kind of humanism children can encounter here. Are the teachers doing their duty? Are they real?
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【文题展示】12.以“成长的味道”为话题,写一篇不少于500字的作文,题目自拟。【命题分析】话题作文,作为一种作文形式,常见于中学生的作文训练及考试。对于小学生而言, [To
【文题展示】15.以你熟悉的卡通或动画人物,如孙悟空、米老鼠蓝猫、葫芦娃等作为主人公写一篇《××后传》为题的不少于500字的故事。【命题分析】 [Topic display] 15. Wit
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