
来源 :中学课程辅导(初一版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dayu1215
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很小的时候,奶奶曾给我讲过这样一个故事:桌上有三个苹果,吃了一个,佛祖问他的弟子还有几个苹果。弟子回答说还有两个。佛祖摇摇头说,有三个呢!两个在外面,一个在里面,佛祖指指肚子。当时我还小,不太懂祖母的意思。到今天,我才慢慢明白老祖母的心意,她其实是想告诉我:失去是另一种形式的得到。伟大的作家鲁迅先生,他毕业后的理想是当一位大兵抵御外国人的侵略,但因清朝政府太腐败,他只得放弃多年的梦想去当医生。不久,他发现中国人更重要的是精神上的污浊,于是又毅然放弃学医,当了作家,希望用笔来挽救人民的灵魂。正是由于他有这种敢于“放弃”的精神,终于成为了中国文学史上的一面旗帜。古今中外勇于放弃的事例,不胜枚举。柳永被弃于当朝,却执著于词,其词乃成一家之绝,荣耀无比:苏东坡被弃干江南,几经流浪,其人与其文却日益蔚为大观;孙中山被弃于海外,奋斗有加,终成一国之父。伽俐略放弃 When I was very young, my grandmother told me such a story: There were three apples on the table and I had one. The Buddha asked his disciples and several apples. The disciples answered that there are two more. The Buddha shook his head and said that there are three! Two on the outside and one on the inside, and the Buddha points to the stomach. At the time I was young and I didn’t understand much about my grandmother. Until today, I slowly understood the old grandmother’s intentions. She actually wanted to tell me that loss is another form of gain. Mr. Lu Xun, the great writer, whose ideal after graduation was when a soldier resisted the aggression of foreigners, but because the Qing government was too corrupt, he had to give up years of dreams to be a doctor. Soon after, he discovered that Chinese people were more spiritually filthy. They decided to abandon their studies and became writers, hoping to use pens to save the people’s soul. It is precisely because he has such a spirit of daring to “abandoning” that he has finally become a banner in the history of Chinese literature. Examples of courage to abandon in ancient and modern China and abroad are too numerous to mention. Liu Yong was abandoned when he was in the dynasty, but he was persistent in the word. His words were a perfect family. Glory was extremely extraordinary: Su Dongpo was abandoned in the south of the Yangtze River. After several vagrancy, his people and his essay became increasingly grand; Sun Yat-sen was abandoned overseas and struggled. It eventually became the father of a country. Galileo give up
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