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在市场经济环境下企业每天的运作与活动都渗透着的竞争、复杂、灵活和多变的特质,企业每时每刻都在做着种种决策,这就迫切要求其各级决策者们必须善于在瞬息万变的环境中,抓住事物的本质和主要矛盾,及时做出各种相应的决策。此时旧的经验型决策已难以适应,这就要求领导者必须实现由经验型决策到科学决策的转变。因此,认真探讨、弄清市场经济条件下科学决策的有关问题,具有很强的针对性和实用性。对于现代企业来说就具有非常重要的意义。现代决策是以多方面的专业知识为基础的,决策科学本身也就是是一门综合性的科学,是多学科群组成的大科学,因而需要多门学科从不同角度去进行研究。本文着重从逻辑哲学的角度,对如何运用逻辑思维形式和辩证逻辑的方法进行科学决策等两方面的问题,从理论到实践进行了较深入的探讨和分析。 The competitive, complex, flexible and changeable nature permeated by the daily operations and activities of enterprises in a market-oriented economy requires enterprises to make decisions all the time, which urgently requires decision-makers at all levels to be adept at In a rapidly changing environment, we should seize the essence and the main contradictions of things and make all kinds of appropriate decisions in time. At this time, the old empirical decision-making has been difficult to adapt, which requires that leaders must make the transition from empirical decision-making to scientific decision-making. Therefore, we must earnestly study and clarify the relevant issues of scientific decision-making under the market economy and have strong pertinence and practicability. For the modern enterprise is of great importance. Modern decision-making is based on a wide range of professional knowledge. Decision science itself is a comprehensive science. It is a multidisciplinary group of major sciences, and therefore requires multiple disciplines to conduct research from different perspectives. This article focuses on two aspects from the perspective of the philosophy of logic, how to make use of logical thinking and dialectical logic to make scientific decisions and so on, from the theory to the practice of a more in-depth discussion and analysis.
[摘 要] 根据目前高职院校学生学风建设的实际情况,提出专业教师兼任班主任在学风建设中发挥巨大的作用,提出充分发挥专业教师兼任班主任的优势,从加强教育引导和建立长效机制两方面促进学院学风建设,同时指出专业教师兼任班主任工作存在的困难及相应的解决措施。  [关 键 词] 高职院校;班主任;专业教师;学风建设  [中图分类号] G715 [文献标志码] A
从近几年国外发表的文献可以看出,新的电厂控制系统的研究主要着重于以下几个方面:多变量最优控制、自适应控制、PID 控制改进和计算机控制系统。本文试图简略地概括这几方面