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我们学校的保安总是默默无闻,就像一棵小草似的,很容易被人遗忘,可是,我却很敬佩他,不仅因为他工作认真,更因为他急中生智的勇敢。有一次,我们几个要好的同学正在学校球场上打篮球,打得正高兴时,突然,一声“汪汪汪”的声音把我们吓得连滚带爬地离开了球场,原来不知从哪儿跑来了一只凶狠的大黄狗。我们找到了老师,老师风风火火地冲了过去,没想到,狗给老师一个下马威,老师也落汤鸡一般地迅速给校保安打了个电话。很快,保 Our school’s security is always obscure, like a grass-like, easily forgotten, but I admire him, not only because of his serious work, but also because of his impatient intellectual courage. Once, we have a few good classmates are playing basketball on the school stadium, play was happy, suddenly, soon as “Wang Wang ” voice scared us to leave the stadium, the original I do not know where Came a fierce rhubarb dog. We found a teacher, the teacher rushed to the past, did not expect, the dog gave a disappointment to the teacher, the teacher also dropped quickly to the school security call. Soon, Paul
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我不喜欢“乡愁”这个词,用得滥俗,再用都矫情。  但我坐在南卡罗来纳州Greenville市中心的一条河边看风景时,乡愁突然涌了上来。  其实景色平淡无奇。一群孩子们在一个人工小瀑布旁玩水,不断欢笑尖叫。旁边的河边有野鸭,水清澈得能倒映出这些野鸭每一根羽毛;一些老人搬着便携椅子坐在河边,时而看孩子,时而看野鸭。  有一点引人注目的是河对岸那个庞大粗糙的建筑,它曾是一个纺织厂,红砖高墙,现在窗户全无
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Apoptosis contributes to the development of diabetic nephropathy, but the mechanism by which high glucose induces apoptosis is not fully understood. Apoptosis o