改革与创新并举 充分利用空域资源──对我国民航空中交通管理系统建设的思考

来源 :国际航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RaymanL
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建立国家统一负责的空管体制,建设一体化的空管保障体系,以及推行通用的国际标准是目前我国民航空中交通管理系统建设亟需解决的问题 空中交通管理(简称空 管)系统包括管理、通信、导航、监视、航行情报、气象等专业,是防止航空器空中相撞和航空器与障碍物相撞,保证航空? The establishment of an air traffic control system under the unified responsibility of the state, the establishment of an integrated air traffic control system, and the implementation of common international standards are the problems currently to be solved in the construction of China’s air traffic control system. Air Traffic Management (ATC) , Communications, navigation, surveillance, navigation intelligence, meteorology and other professionals, is to prevent aircraft in the air collision and collision of aircraft and obstacles to ensure aviation?
传统的航空机电系统已越来越不能满足飞机发展的要求,以全新的系统结构和技术改变传统机电控制现状,已经成为提高飞机性能,降低成本和改善可用性的迫切需求 The traditional ae
A three dimensional numerical model was developed to predict the behavior of tidal flow by using the σ coordinate transformation. Conservation equations
WT5”BZ]The superconvergence of Multhopp′s discretization for the solution to the normal wash integral equation for the flow past a curved plate is theoretical
听证程序是指行政机关作出行政处罚决定之前听取当事人的陈述和申辩 ,由听证程序参加人就有关问题相互质问、辩论和反驳 ,从而查明事实的过程。根据《行政处罚法》第四十二条
In this paper, with the starting velocity experiments of natural cohesive sedimentation, the author pro poses an assumption concerning the starting mechanism o