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夏季气温较高,是各种粮食害虫繁殖盛期。据粮食部门和高邮车罗大队社员群众反映:每户一年丰收的粮食被虫损害,严重的达15%以上,一般的10%左右,最轻的5%。一个五口之家,常年贮粮三千斤左右,一年被虫害吃掉三百多斤,每人平均受损六十斤。因此,怎样防治粮食害虫,达到安全贮粮保种,这是广大农民感到苦恼,最关心的一件事情。为了解决这个问题,我们和邗江烟甸粮管所,化验员陆兴珠同志,试验利用沼气输入坛内,进行多次试验,防治贮粮害虫的效果很好。具体操作方法,分为过滤式和充气式两种。过滤式:是一只普通大口坛子,用一块木板做成瓶塞式的坛盖子,盖子上面钻两个孔,孔的大小以插进沼气输气管为宜,用二米长的塑管,一头装上开关,连接在气压表的出气管上。另一头穿过坛盖的孔洞,通向坛子底部,再盘一圈,并在这圈管子上,用 Summer temperatures are high, is the peak of all kinds of food pests breeding. According to the masses of the grain sector and members of the Gaoyou Car Lo team, the masses of crops harvested each year have been damaged by insects, which are seriously affected by more than 15%, generally about 10% and the lightest 5%. A family of five perennial grain storage about three thousand pounds a year pest eaten three hundred kilos, each suffering an average of six pounds. Therefore, how to prevent and control food pests and achieve safe grain storage and preservation is one of the things most concerned about by the peasants. In order to solve this problem, we and Lujiang Tobacco Food Control Station, laboratory technician Lu Xingzhu comrades, the trial use of biogas into the altar, a number of tests, prevention and control of grain pests good effect. Specific methods of operation, divided into two kinds of filter and inflatable. Filtration: is an ordinary large jar, made of a piece of cork stopper altar lid, drilled two holes above the lid, the hole size to insert the gas pipe is appropriate, with two meters long plastic pipe, a Install the switch, connected to the gas outlet pipe. The other end of the hole through the altar cover, leading to the bottom of the jar, and then a lap, and in this circle of pipe, with
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三、如何使用新的会计报表信息进行分析下面以“资产负债表”和“损益表”为例做简单介绍: 1.资产负债表: 是反映企业某一特定日期财务状况的会计报表。它是根据企业资产、