一、铁路施工企业文化建设的特点 1.以路地共建为载体,为施工创造良好的外部环境。良好的外部环境是施工企业顺利进行生产活动的必要条件。铁路施工企业牌子大、知名度高、设备先进、市场竞争力强,往往跨省市承揽工程。据有关资料显示,我国60万铁路施工大军中,每个县处级施工单位至少在六、七个省市拥有施工任务。作为“外来户”,与当地的关系处理得如何,直接关系到任务的完成。各施工单位在十几年的市场摔打中,逐步摸索总结出一套行之有效的“路地共建”的路子。该活动着眼于施工单位与工程所在地政府、群众共同搞好一
First, the characteristics of the cultural construction of railway construction enterprises 1. To take road and land as a carrier to create a good external environment for construction. A good external environment is a necessary condition for the smooth execution of production activities by construction companies. Railway construction companies have large brands, high reputation, advanced equipment, and strong market competitiveness. They often contract projects across provinces and cities. According to related data, in the 600,000-strong railroad construction army in China, each county-level construction unit has construction tasks in at least six or seven provinces and cities. As a “foreign household”, how well it deals with local relations is directly related to the completion of the task. In the market beaten for more than ten years, each construction unit gradually explored and summed up a set of effective road and land construction methods. The activity focuses on the joint efforts of the construction company and the government and the people in the project location.