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Dogs are our good friends. They are cute and smart. Some dogs have a job. Guide dogs(导盲犬) are one of those dogs. They help blind people(盲人). How can a dog be a guide dog?  狗狗去上学  Guide dog puppies(幼犬)
Star light, star bright,  First star I see tonight.  I wish I may, I wish I might,  Have the wish I wish tonight.  小星星,亮晶晶,  今晚看到的第一顆星。  看星星,许心愿,  希望今晚的心愿能实现。
本期剧场将带来男孩Peter的成长故事。在Peter很小的时候,爸爸妈妈对他非常宠爱,可是上学时,他却成了一个叛逆少年。长大后的Peter又会成为什么样的人呢?让我们一起欣赏来自江苏省东海县海陵路小学同学们的精彩表演吧!  Actors:  王希茹 刘博恩 时钧陶 刘炯艺  李振源 李光希 李 纯 王志伟  Act I:Babyhood  Narrator:Little Peter was bor
Everyone has a deskmate in the classroom. To be a deskmate,I think girls are better than boys. Because girls have many good habits. Most of them always put their things in order. After class,girls usu
Riding a bike is really interesting. I can go to many places far from my home. I can go out to play with my friends.  But before you go,Let’s learn some tips(窍门) about bikes:  We need a bike just righ
故事簡介  The movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them(《神奇动物在哪里》) takes place(发生) in New York(纽约).  It is 1926,New York is not a safe(安全的) place for wizards(巫师). Lots of people are against(反对) magic(
I often have a busy and happy weekend.  On Saturday morning,I often do my homework. Then,I read some story books. After lunch,I often play table tennis with my friend Mary in the gym. We are all good
想要爬上高高的树顶,先要把单词补全。请根据线索,摘取相应树叶上的字母进行组合,来补全单词,登顶大树吧!  1. There are four of these each year, and spring is one of them.  2. A part of the tree; Green in summer and yellow in autumn.  3. A part of a plan
同学们,从三四年级起,我们就结识了“be”动词,并与“be”动词结下了“不解”之缘。今天,就让我们一起走进“be”动词训练营,来解开心中的“不解”吧!  “be”动词的一般现在时有三种形式:am, is, are。为了帮助大家掌握,我把“be”动词的用法编成了朗朗上口的顺口溜:“我用am,你用are, is用在他她它(I—am, you—are, he/she/it—is);单数形式用is,复数形