Tomorrow Will be Better

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  王希茹 刘博恩 时钧陶 刘炯艺
  李振源 李光希 李 纯 王志伟
  Act I:Babyhood
  Narrator:Little Peter was born. His parents loved him very much. They took good care of their little baby.
  Mum kissed her baby happily.
  Mum:Look at his little mouth,how lovely!
  Dad smiled happily,taking a feeding bottle,looking at the little baby,and patted on Mum’s shoulder gently.
  Dad:His nose looks like mine. My son will be as cool as me.
  Mum:Best wishes to him. He will be healthy and happy forever.
  Dad:When he grew up,he would be a real good man.
  Act II:Primary School Days
  Narrator:Little Peter grew up. He became a primary school student. One day,he came back home from school.
  Peter:Mum,dad?I am back.
  Dad:Give me your school bag,Peter.
  Mum:Wash your hands,my baby. Come and have dinner.
  Dad:Eating more meat is good for your body.
  Mum:Eat some fish,Peter. You will be cleverer.
  Peter:Thank you. That’s enough for me.
  Act III:Junior High School Dads
  Narrator:When Peter was fifteen years old,He was a middle school student. One day,Peter’s teacher gave peter his test paper. Unluckily,He only got thirty-nine marks,but he didn’t care at all.
  On the way home from school,Peter arrogantly(傲慢地) challenged his classmates to hip-hop.
  Peter:Let’s PK,OK?
  Peter:Go go go!!! Let’s go!
  Peter got home late. When he came in,he threw the paper aside and lay on the sofa, playing a cell-phone happily.
  His parents were unhappy,as they found peter’s test paper. Dad could not help yelling at his son.
  Dad:Peter,how did you get such low marks!!! Give me your phone! Never play it again.
  Peter:Let me go!
  He pushed Dad to one side and stormed away.
  Mum:Peter! Peter! Come back.
  Mum grieved(悲傷) and followed behind her son. After a while,Peter regretted(后悔). He came back home and apologized to his Dad. From then on,Peter studied harder and harder.
  Act IV:High School Time
  Narrator:Peter took the college entrance examination by the end of high school time. A month later,he got a letter of admission.
  Peter:Mum,here’s my notice!
  His mum took the notice excitedly,and watched her son proudly.
  Dad:Let me have a look! Wow! Nanjing University! My good boy! Run for your dream!
  Narrator:Peter realized his dream. Everyone should study hard for dreams. There is saying like this:Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery,but today is a gift. Let’s cherish the moments now!
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