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  摘 要:家庭是社會的重要组成部分,家庭文化是社会文化的一部分,与当前社会具有紧密关系,并对社会当中的每一个人都具有重大影响。家庭文化水平,是当时物质生活和文化生活的集中反映。作为文明之邦的中国,家庭文化源远流长,西方国家大多为发达资本主义国家,家庭文化也具有独特之处,本文主要研究了中西家庭文化的差异。
  Analysis Of The Cultural Differences Between
  Chinese And Western Families
  Xiao Zi Yan
  Wuhan University, Hubei 430200
  Abstract: Family is an important part of society. Family culture is a part of social culture. It has a close relationship with the current society and has a significant impact on everyone in society. Family cultural level is the concentrated reflection of material life and cultural life at that time. As a country of civilization, family culture has a long history. Most western countries are developed capitalist countries. Family culture has its own characteristics. This article mainly studies the differences between Chinese and Western family cultures.
  Key words: Chinese and Western, cultural of families ,differences
  Chinese and Western family cultures have different characteristics because of their differences in family structure and educational methods. This paper analyses the differences between Chinese and Western family cultures from the aspects of educational methods and family relations. And analyze the reasons of the differences from the history and values.
  1. Differences in family structure between China and the West
  1.1. Characteristics of family members in China
  1.1.1.Blood relationship
  Chinese people attach great importance to kinship, so the main feature of Chinese family structure is large family. Parents and children like to live together, at least in daily life or emotional communication.
  1.1.2. Family membership
  In  Chinese traditional culture, men dominate the family, while women and children are secondary. Chinese children are dependent on their parents when they are young. They should accept their parents' education and lessons and obey their parents' arrangements. For children, they can only follow the advice of their elders, and they can't have opinions, so that their nature is suppressed and they can't communicate with their elders equally. After adulthood, we should be filial to our parents and take responsibility for our family.
  1.2.  Characteristics of Family Membership in the West
  1.2.1.Blood relationship
  In contrast, the Westerners don't pay as much attention to kinship as the Chinese do. Parents seldom live with their children and have less emotional communication. Parents usually raise their children to the age of 18. When they are older and less dependent on their children.   1.2.2. Family membership
  In the western family culture, it emphasizes the equality of men and women, individuals, freedom, equality, democracy, friendship and so on. In a single family, parents and children can freely express their own views. Every family member, regardless of gender, old or young, enjoys the rights and status of the master. Western children have their own time and space, and can give full play to their imagination and creativity.
  2. Differences in Family Education between China and the West
  2.1. Chinese Family Education
  In China, the love of the bone and the flesh is paramount. Chinese parents regard their children as part of their own, and often have the following characteristics in family education.
  2.1.1. Overindulge children
  Chinese parents' love for their children is unique in the world. Since the birth of the child, parents have taken great care of the child. But in reality, excessive spoiling of children is not good, not conducive to the development of children's ability, children will not deal with things, seriously affecting the children's practical ability and self-care ability.
  2.1.2.Do the children's business
  Many Chinese parents have designed the way of life for their children in their children's development. However, if parents impose their wishes on their children, regardless of their children's real ideas and the actual situation of their children, it may be detrimental to their children's growth. Therefore, in the growth of children, parents should be good at discovering their children's characteristics and advantages, and carry out education according to their children's actual situation.
  2.1.3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of children
  Chinese parents like to compare their children with others' children. In contrast, parents will be proud of their outstanding performance. The advantage of Chinese children is that parents customize early, which is not conducive to the creativity of their children. Children can only accept parental arrangements when they grow up.
  2.2. Family Education in the West
  Western parents emphasize the cultivation of children's sense of independence and autonomy while educating their children. The ways of education are also quite different from those of Chinese parents.
  2.2.1.Emphasize doing it yourself
  In education, Western parents are good at using the guidance and Inspiration of education, and often say to their children, "Do it yourself." Children are required to study their surroundings when they are young. Let children do what they like to do, pay attention to training their children's self-consciousness, and ask their children to express their ideas clearly.   2.2.2. Respect for children's choices
  For children's own ideas, Western parents will recognize and respect their children's choices in front of their children. Generally speaking, they adopt democratic and open education. In education, Western parents often have equal status with their children and discuss various issues with them. This family education atmosphere is conducive to children dare to express their ideas, children can decide their own things. Make children easy to form independent thinking, courageous pioneering, bold attempt personality, so that children think their choice is right.
  2.2.3. Pay attention to children's developmen
  In family education, Western parents do not compare their children with others'children. In many cases, they use the method of encouragement. In the evaluation of children, it is also based on the requirements of children, which promotes the personalized development of children. Make children grow up freely, so many Western children have distinct personality.
  3. Study on the Causes of Differences
  3.1. Historical and Cultural Differences
  Chinese history has a long history, There are many excellent cultures. and people's thoughts are also constrained by many factors. Under the influence of Confucianism, there is a stable structure in the family and a strict rank order, so Chinese family culture is too conservative.
  Western countries are influenced by Western democratic ideas and Renaissance, and are not bound by any thought. Cultural development is pluralistic and extroverted. People's thoughts are active, they are self centered and enjoy free development in daily life. Therefore, the western family members are equal in status and respect each other.
  3.2.Different family values
  Values play a key role in national culture. Chinese family culture is influenced by Confucian philosophy. Chinese people have lived in groups since ancient times, so people are required to have collectivism. China's family concept is still very strong, blood relationship, family ethics, deep-rooted in the brain, parents, children always a family. Chinese people think that they are a member of the family and an accessory of the family. Their personal value will exist because of the existence of the family. This kind of thinking has a profound impact on Chinese family culture.
  In the West, family culture is influenced by Western philosophy. Individualism and the free development of personality are the pursuit goals of Westerners. The same is true in Western families. They believe that people are independent individuals with ideas, rights and consciousness. Everyone should be responsible for themselves, not belong to the family, and their family culture is democratic and free.   3.3. Different educational systems
  There are also great differences between Chinese and Western family education in children's education. In Chinese education, people emphasize family interests. People pay too much attention to "moral" education. Children must be filial piety, respectful to older people, frugal and friendly. This phenomenon has a serious impact on the healthy growth of children, and there will also be disharmonious family relations.
  Western parents, on the other hand, intend to establish equal family relations, pay more attention to the cultivation of children's independent ability in life, and use open education. In order to enable children to be independent, Western parents let their children grow up freely. In family education, Western parents will create opportunities for children to grow up. Although the family is very rich, it will not allow the children to spend. In the process of education, Western children will have the idea that it is a legal obligation for parents to raise themselves without Thanksgiving to their parents. Although parents give their children life, life belongs to the children themselves, and children can not be required to be filial to themselves when they grow up. Because China and the West are in different educational systems, there are also great differences in family culture.
  4. conclusion
  In short, in China and the west, because of great differences in historical development, values and educational systems, different family concepts and membership relations have been formed, resulting in great differences in family culture between the two countries. All over the world, there are various cultures in different places. Regarding the cultures of different regions, we should adhere to our excellent national culture at all times. At the same time, we should actively absorb and draw lessons from the excellent cultures of other regions in order to benefit the development of our culture.
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摘 要:信息时代高速发展的大数据技术对于各个行业发展的推动作用巨大,大数据技术使得工作效率大幅提高,在思想政治工作当中创造性地应有大数据技术能够显著提升该项工作的价值意义。目前,通过大数据技术,能够有效发现并掌握思想政治工作规律,进而针对性地采取措施从整体以及局部两个方面促进该项工作深层次发展,从而优化思想政治工作方法。  关键词:大数据时代;思想政治工作;创新  一、大数据技术广泛应用背景下思想
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