和许多人一样,小的时候听过很多有关英雄的故事,也从心眼儿里特别崇拜英雄。工作以后,也碰巧一直干着公安优抚方面的事儿,可能是因为耳濡目染的关系吧,觉得自己与那一个个惊天地、泣鬼神的动人故事贴得很近很近。 1997年夏天到 1999年年底,我有幸先后参与了全国公安
Like many people, I heard a lot of stories about heroes when I was young, and I especially admired heroes from the bottom of my heart. After work, but also happened to be doing public security special care of things, probably because of the relationship between the monasteries, feel that one by one and shaking, weeping and moving stories posted very close. From the summer of 1997 to the end of 1999, I was fortunate enough to have participated in the national public security