陕西省勉县 精细管理校建工作 凸显三个亮点

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近年来,陕西省勉县教体局以实现“教育公平、人民满意”为目标,加大教育资源整合力度,科学规划、扎实推进教育民生工程项目建设,不断缩小城乡教育差距,全县中小学(幼儿园)办学条件显著改善,标准化水平明显提高。领导重视,组织健全勉县教体局校建办自2006年成立后,为方便工作指导和项目督察,确 In recent years, Mianxian County Board of Education in Shaanxi Province to achieve “education fairness, people satisfaction ” as the goal, increase the integration of educational resources, scientific planning, and solid education project to promote people’s livelihood, and constantly narrow the gap between urban and rural education, the county Primary and secondary schools (kindergartens) school conditions improved significantly, the standardization of significantly improved. Leaders attach importance to the organization and sound Mianxian Education Bureau School Office since its establishment in 2006, for the convenience of work guidance and project inspectors, indeed
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今夏,河南、河北、山东一些地区大面积发生蝗灾,各地采取飞机灭蝗与地面防治相结合、专业防治与群防群治相结合等有效措施,控制了蝗灾的发生和蔓延。 蝗虫的种类很多(我国有
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小老鼠茱茱和她的好朋友,还有森林里的小动物,一起在雪地上过平安夜。还一起朗读关于圣诞的童诗!  专家的话:本栏目包括三个不同的活动。童诗可刺激宝宝的韵律感;跟圣诞老人合照可使宝宝发挥想象力,做出不同表情;给圣诞老人写信,能够训练宝宝的小肌肉。  白雪飘飘,烛光点点,我们一起过圣诞节!  寒风之中,望望星空,我们一起过圣诞节!  小鹿浅笑,鸟儿轻叫,我们一起过圣诞节!  手拉着手,拥抱朋友,我们一起
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