Effects of interleukin-2 on hypothalamic and plasma luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone levels in

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lb_124
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To investigate the effects of interleukin-2 (IL-2) on the hy-pothalamic and plasma luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone(LHRH) levels and serum testosterone (T) level in rats. The hor-mones were measured by radioimmunoassay. Two different dosesof IL-2 (1000 U and 2000 U) were injected. The results showedthat IL-2 slightly decreased the hypothalamic and plasma LHRHlevels, but the differences with the controls were not significant.The administration of 2000 U IL-2 significantly decreased the serumT level. Results suggest that IL-2 may play an inhibitory role onhypothalamic LHRH secretion and decrease serum T level in Rats.(Chin J Androl 2001; 2: 85-6, 91) To investigate the effects of interleukin-2 (IL-2) on the hy-pothalamic and plasma luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) levels and serum testosterone (T) level in rats. The hor-mones were measured by radioimmunoassay. Two different dosesof IL-2 (1000 U and 2000 U) were injected. The results showed that IL-2 slightly decreased the hypothalami and plasma LHRHlevels, but the differences with the controls were not significant. The administration of 2000 U IL-2 significantly decreased the serum T level. Results suggest that IL-2 may play an inhibitory role on hyphaemic LHRH secretion and decrease serum T level in Rats. (Chin J Androl 2001; 2: 85-6, 91)
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