A taste of the simple life 一碗生活,慢食简吃

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  Food documentaries are catering to (满足) a growing appetite in China as their quantity increases and cuisine variety expands. While most focus on popular restaurants in big cities, director Wang Shengzhi chooses to focus on people’s kitchens in small towns.
  “Eating is to repair oneself. If you go to a restaurant and order several dishes randomly (随意地), it can’t fix you,” Wang says. “On countless occasions, I recall that when I was a child, eating was such a simple thing that brought me huge satisfaction. Why? Because food is made by families.”
  “Most of the food documentaries are lively and hectic, yet I want to record something more peaceful, just one dish and one bowl of rice or noodles, to tell the audience that eating is a simple thing,” Wang explains. He thinks the taste of home is about memory—even though someone may have visited countless restaurants, they will always long for the home-made dish that reminds them of the safety and warmth of childhood.
  He is keen to show that there is not a right or wrong way to cook. “There is no certain recipe for any dish, as the way to cook it can differ from family to family, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are made with love,” Wang says, adding that the dish is always cooked for loved ones or close friends. The 46-year-old hopes to record the preparing of dishes that use recipes which have not changed for decades or even generations. “I want to film the unchanging things,” he says.
  Taste of Home was planned last year, and it is not just about food, but is also a bridge to people’s sincere feelings. There are no conflicts in the documentary. Instead, it’s showcasing a feeling of family. The theme of the documentary is not about heroes but ordinary people. The show plans to record 100 dishes, 40 percent of which have already been filmed. The whole series aims to record family dishes all over China.
  1. What’s special about Wang’s food documentaries?
  A. They’re mainly filmed in popular restaurants.
  B. They can help those who lose appetite.
  C. They focus on small towns’ kitchens.
  D. They include various cuisine methods.
  2. What does the underlined word “hectic” in paragraph 3 mean?
  A. Delicate.
  B. Busy.
  C. Delicious.
  D. Simple.
  3. What do all family recipes have in common according to Wang?
  A. They are filled with love for friends and family members.
  B. They are kept and passed down for several generations.
  C. They can be classified as right and wrong.
  D. They are similar in different families.
  4. What can be inferred about Taste of Home from the last paragraph?
  A. There are some conflicts in it.
  B. Half of the dishes have already been filmed.
  C. It aims to record all dishes around the globe.
  D. It’s about ordinary people’s dishes and feelings.
  Useful expressions
  cater to 滿足
  focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于
  be keen to 热衷于
  aim to do 力争做到……
  have...in common 有共同之处
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