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There are three kind of modes that could be taken as the form of world economic globalization:the mode of big power hegemonistic integration;the mode of dependant outward-oriented economy; the mode of autonomous opening economy. The authors discussed them with their essential contents and concerned more on the dependant mode with their conclusion that it would necessarily drop into the trap of hegemonism mode. In addition, they rethought the traditional theory of integration and compared advantage which, he holded, should be amended with a more impartial view under the verification of history. There are three kind of modes that could be taken in the form of world economic globalization: the mode of big power hegemonistic integration; the mode of dependant outward-oriented economy; the mode of autonomous opening economy. and concerned more on the dependent mode with their conclusion that it would not drop into the trap of hegemonism mode. In addition, they rethought the traditional theory of integration and comparison advantage which, he holded, should be amended with a more impartial view under the verification of history.
采用透射电子显微镜对碳萃取复型样进行了观测。碳萃取复型样由不同轧制条件下热轧成10mm棒材的两种商用钒微合金钢和一种商用钛微合金钢制备。 钒或钛微合金钢中的铜含量约
科威特专电 科威特在战后重建中取得显著成绩,并正在加快建设步伐。记者在重返科威特的一个多月中亲眼目睹了这里正在发生的日新月异的变化。使人感到最突出的是科威特的车
在解析几何中,椭圆上的点到直线的最短(长)距离或求动点到定直线的最短(长)距离,是我们经常遇到的问题,要解决它可以从多个方面入手.如归结为数形结合判别式法、参数方程法和柯西不等式法,以下我们举例说明.  数形结合判别式法  例1 求椭圆[x24+y212=1]上一点到直线l∶y=x-5的距离的最小值.  分析 作出直线[l]及椭圆(如图),观察图形,可以发现,利用平行直线与椭圆只有一个交点,可以求