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硫酸吗啡控释片为强效中枢性镇痛药物,主要用于中晚期癌症患者的第三阶梯止痛治疗,近年来国内有文献报道其不良如下。1呼吸抑制例1:男,65岁。因原发性肝癌疼痛给予吗啡控释片30 mg口服,服药1 h后出现恶心,2 h出现胸闷,呼吸困难,呼吸深慢4~5次/min。口唇轻度紫绀,瞳孔缩小2 mm,即予对症治疗,2 h后呼吸逐渐恢复为10~16次/min,4 h后紫绀好转,瞳孔恢复正常,生命体征稳定。例2:女,58岁。因 Morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets for potent central analgesic drugs, mainly for the third stage of advanced cancer patients with pain treatment, in recent years, the domestic literature reported its poor as follows. 1 respiratory depression Example 1: male, 65 years old. Due to the pain of primary hepatocellular carcinoma given morphine controlled-release tablets 30 mg orally, 1 h after taking nausea, 2 h chest tightness, difficulty breathing, breathing slowly 4 to 5 times / min. Mild lips cyanosis, miosis 2 mm, that is to symptomatic treatment, 2 h after respiration gradually restored to 10 to 16 beats / min, 4 h after cyanotic improvement, pupil returned to normal, stable vital signs. Example 2: Female, 58 years old. because
目的 研究出血性脑梗死的临床特征,减少误诊、误治的发生.方法 总结2例首次CT显示为脑出血的急性出血性脑梗死的诊断及治疗经过,结合文献对临床特点进行复习.结果 2例出血性
Octreotide is a synthetic octapeptide.Since octreotide resembles somatostatin in physiological activities,it can reduce portal hypertension,impede gastrointesti
Clinical data showed that patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are more likely to develop Parkinsons disease (PD) than normal people [1].Particularly when patien
Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic intracellular parasitic protozoan that can infect humans and all thermostatic animals.The average population infection rate of t
故障现象:彩电收看约30 min后突然自动停机,机器处于待机状态,停机后马上开机机器不能启动,约10 min后才能再次开机,但过一段时间后又会出现自动停机现象。原因分析:能开机却
Type 2 diabetes and cancers are common diseases worldwide,both of which cause tremendous economic and health burden [1].Epidemiologic research suggests that peo