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如今世风浮躁,动不动都说大,一个山区小镇的旅社,也称皇家大酒店,霓虹灯一闪一闪,让你以为是在大上海。然而事情总有例外,比如,我读陈子铭的新作《大海商》,便有一种由内到外“大”的感觉。回望历史天空,我看到了一个大漳州,这个漳州与海相通,与商相联,海涛阵阵,商潮滚滚,气象万千。 Now impetuous world, always say big, a mountain town hotel, also known as the Royal Hotel, neon lights flash, so you think it is in Shanghai. However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For example, when I read Chen Ziming’s new book “The Great Merchant”, I have a feeling of “big” from the inside to the outside. Looking back at the historical sky, I saw a large Zhangzhou, Zhangzhou and the sea connected, associated with the business, Haitao bursts, business boom, the weather.
Aim: To determine the most common risk factors of male infertility in Mongolian men attending an infertility clinic. Methods: A prospective, case-control study
据俄罗斯渔业委员会称,2008年1~11月俄罗斯水产品的累计进口量为106.3万t同比增加6.9%,累计进口金额为519亿卢布,同比增加11.3%。向俄罗斯出口水产品的国家,从数量看,居 Acc
Aim: To establish the animal model of atherosclerotic erectile dysfunction (ED) induced by high cholesterol diet and explore the mechanism of atherosclerotic ED
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女人的苦难,萧红在她的小说《生死场》里有最让人刻骨铭心的描绘。“像只熊一样”的麻面婆,最后绝望得服毒而未死掉的王婆,生命尚在就已经开始腐烂的月英,生产中的女人危在旦夕……那些女人的苦难来自萧红自身的生命体验。1932年,年轻的萧红被抛弃在哈尔滨东兴顺旅房,她将在饥饿、孤苦、恐惧中临盆。那时在她眼中,整个世界一片黑暗,令人绝望。  王婆算是《生死场》里最坚强的一个女人了,然而,当她面对儿子被处死的消
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