Study on Management and Maintenance of Electromechanical Equipment in Port and Countermeasures

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  [Abstract]The management of port electromechanical equipment plays an important role in the normal operation of the port electromechanical equipment. However, there are still some problems in the utilization of mechanical and electrical equipment in the port. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the port electromechanical equipment.
  [Key words]Port; Port electromechanical equipment; problems
  中圖分類号:R559 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2017)29-0334-01
  I.The Significance of Port Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Management
  1.1 adopting reasonable management strategy to reduce the loss of electromechanical equipment and reduce the maintenance cost of electromechanical equipment. The proper management of mechanical and electrical equipment can bring greater value to the port.
  1.2 the port waterway electrical and mechanical equipment management measures regulate the behavior of equipment users to ensure that the port of electrical and mechanical equipment can be a reasonable use for the operation and production of the port to provide important help.
  1.3 effective management of electromechanical equipment can ensure the normal operation of port and improve the use value of electromechanical equipment. Electromechanical equipment management personnel need a comprehensive inspection of mechanical and electrical equipment to ensure its safety.
  II.Problems in the Management of Electromechanical Equipment in Port
  2.1 pre-management work is not sufficient
  Port management personnel in the management of mechanical and electrical equipment, the lack of understanding of the importance of mechanical and electrical equipment management, not from the improvement of the overall structure of the port mechanical and electrical equipment, in the management of mechanical and electrical equipment does not consider long-term interests.
  2.2 equipment management systems is not perfect
  Harbor electromechanical equipment management system was not perfect, there is not detailed mechanical and electrical equipment technology archives, and executives do not take the rules and regulations to carry out the system, resulting management system cannot be effectively implemented.
  2.3 Equipment is inefficient
  Electromechanical equipment use efficiency is low, the degree of loss of large, mechanical and electrical equipment as the working time is too long, can't be timely inspection and cleaning, so the loss is very high.   III.Strengthening the management of port mechanical and electrical equipment
  3.1 Strengthen maintenance management.
  Strengthening the maintenance management of electromechanical equipment is the key to improve the management level of electromechanical equipment. The improvement of electromechanical equipment renovation and maintenance work can effectively improve the overall quality and performance of the port electromechanical equipment, to ensure the smooth operation of electromechanical equipment.
  3.2 Renew management concept.
  The management level of electromechanical equipment determines the operational efficiency of the port. Port electrical and mechanical equipment management should pay attention to equipment management, increase the mechanical and electrical equipment management investment, update the concept of equipment management.
  3.3 Strengthening staff training
  The more mechanized and mechanized the port, the greater the demand for professional talents. Therefore, we must have professional quality and skills of equipment management personnel, to strengthen personnel training, the introduction of more professional talent.
  Reasonable management of electromechanical equipment is very important for the efficient operation of the port, it’s to improve the port production efficiency and economic efficiency of the important means for the future development of the port lay the foundation.
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[摘 要]在当前我国经济快速增长的阶段,电能起到了非常重要的支撑作用,这也就加快了电网的建设和电力系统的发展。作为电力系统的“大动脉”,输变电线路在电网中的作用是非常大的,一方面输变电线路能够有效的确保电能的长距离传输,另外也是有效保障电力正常供应和稳定的前提条件。本文作者有着多年的输变电线路的运行与维护工作经验,结合日常的管理实践,分析了影响输变电线路运行的原因,并且针对维护管理方面给出了自己的
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[摘 要]在科学技术不断发展的大时代背景下,精轧机设备的管理工作中积极应用的状态检测与故障诊断技术的应用至关重要。本文通过论述了在高速线材精轧机设备中有效应用状态检测与故障诊断技术、在精轧机设备管理中对于故障进行诊断的研究现状、以及在精轧机中的积极应用状态检测与故障诊断技术的实际案例三个主要方面,目的是为了保证精轧机在运行过程中能够准确检测出故障的发展趋势,在很大程度上极大的节省了精轧机设备的维修