刘嘉玲 “我欣赏郭台铭”

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去年4月,《MING》创刊时,刘嘉玲是我们的封面人物。岁月匆匆流逝,这一年间,在嘉玲身上发生了不少事,令本来已受关注的她更受关注。去年9月,刘嘉玲的父亲刘桂明于大浪湾散步时在公厕晕倒,送院不治。在嘉玲最需要扶持与慰藉的时刻,梁朝伟是她的守护天使,陪伴她走出伤痛。今年1月初,王菲与李亚鹏成立的“嫣然天使基金”举行慈善晚宴,梁朝伟无暇出席,捐出古董玉碗拍卖筹款。那天晚上,嘉玲牵着台湾首富郭台铭的手进场,郭台铭以500万买下伟仔捐出的玉碗。从那一夜起,嘉玲与首富成为了狗仔队的追踪目标。郭台铭公开向嘉玲发表爱的宣言。有传因为富商的介入,嘉玲与伟仔的17年情随风而逝:尽管4月的香港电影金像 In April last year, “MING” started publication, Carina Lau is our cover figure. Hurried away in time, this year, many things happened in Jialing, so that has been the subject of attention she has been more attention. Last September, Carina Lau’s father, Liu Guiming, fainted in a public toilet while walking in Big Wave Bay and was sent to hospital. Carina most need support and comfort at the moment, Tony Leung is her guardian angel, accompanied her out of the pain. Early January this year, Faye Wong and Yapeng established “Sweet Angel Fund ” held a charity dinner, Tony Leung Chauwei was not able to attend, donated antiques jade bowl auction fund-raising. That night, Carina took the hand of Taiwan’s richest man Terry Gou into the field, and Gou bought the jade bowl donated by Aberdeen with 5 million. Since that night, Carina and the richest man have become the target of the paparazzi. Gou issued a statement of love to Jialin publicly. There are rumors because of the involvement of wealthy businessmen, Carina and Tony Aberdeen 17 years affection gone with the wind: Although the Hong Kong movie in April gold statue
生日:1982年4月17日  身高:178cm  体重:63kg  血型:B型  这位因出演影片《王之男》以及热门韩剧《MYGIRIL》的新生代男星,目前已成为韩国人气最高的偶像。李俊基因独特的中性气质而被《王之男》摄制组一眼看中,并获得改变他人生命运的演出机会。《王之男》上映仅12天,观众人数就突破了300万大关。    领带    某人在沙漠中走了大半天,口渴得嗓子直冒烟。在他快要走出沙漠时,