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近些年,信息技术产业似乎正在搞什么运动。PC鼻祖IBM不玩PC了;苹果玩起了iPod;微软呢,PC上的生意已经是小头儿了,下一个PC操作系统Vista也把PC和许许多多PC之外五花八门的东西扯在了一起;戴尔和惠普的PC虽然越玩越大,但早已把身子探到了PC的外面,触角越伸越远;Google忽然从每台联网的PC上冒出头儿来,让大伙儿吓了一跳,不知道Google到底都能玩出什么花样;索尼摇身一变,转眼就成了IT圈儿的大腕儿,脑袋上虽然磕了好几个大青包,但手里的一堆宝贝让圈儿里人从来都不敢小看……PC World在中国都二十一年了,PC也该长大了,不能老是鼓捣机箱里面那几个玩意儿。自然而然,PC圈儿里的人走到了圈儿外,PC圈儿外的人也来串个门儿。你来我往,新花样自然越玩越多,PC自身也在成长中日趋多样化。技术、产品、应用,可谓热点纷呈,也就有了我们今天在这里要向大家介绍的近百个IT热点。 In recent years, the information technology industry seems to be doing any exercise. PC originator IBM does not play PC; Apple play iPod; Microsoft, the business on the PC is a small head, the next PC operating system Vista also PC and many other kinds of PC À pull in the things Together; Dell and Hewlett-Packard’s PC, although the more playing the bigger, but already body to explore the outside of the PC, tentacles more and further away; Google suddenly emerge from every networked PC to make everyone shocked , Do not know Google in the end can play what tricks; Sony transformed, blink of an eye became the biggest circle of IT circles children, although many knock on his head big bag, but the hands of a pile of babies to circle people from Do not underestimate ... PC World in China are twenty-one years, the PC should also grow up, you can not always tinker with a few stuff inside the chassis. Naturally, the person in the PC circle came outside the circle, and the person outside the PC circle came to set a series of children. You come and I go, new patterns naturally play more and more, PC itself is also growing more diversified. Technology, products, applications, can be described as hot spots, also have us here today to introduce to nearly 100 IT hot spots.
In the present paper, a numerical modeling was developed to simulate the growth kinetics of ferrite transformed fromaustenite in Fe-c-Σ X (X denotes substituti
当计算机之外的数字设备深入人们的日常生活,带给人们的改变远远超过了计算机本身。生活需要快乐的体验,种种新型设备无疑成为快乐生活的功率放大器。 When digital devices