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农药进出口动向从日本农药产值及农药进出口变化中可以看到如下情况:(1)在国内’销售部份中,进口金额增加了。这表示世界上农药正在发生质的变化,以新型高效的优质农药取代原有类型的老品种的浪潮,也波及到日本。(2)日本农药的出口金额也在增加,这说明日本也相继生产出新型优质农药,除了满足本国需求外,也出口到国外,而且出口量正在上升。日本以其发明的优质农药向国外出口,而外国发明的新农药也被日本使用的现象,其实质可以看成是国际分工的发展。这种分工,从国际贸易的观点来说是极为有益的。 Trends in the import and export of pesticides The following can be seen from the changes in the output value of pesticides in Japan and the import and export of pesticides: (1) In the domestic sales section, the amount of imports has increased. This indicates that the pesticides in the world are undergoing qualitative changes, and the new wave of old and new varieties has been replaced by new high-quality, high-quality pesticides, and it has also spread to Japan. (2) The export amount of pesticides in Japan is also increasing. This shows that Japan has also successively produced new high-quality pesticides. In addition to meeting domestic demand, it is also exported to foreign countries, and the export volume is increasing. Japan exports high-quality pesticides that it invented to foreign countries, and the new pesticides invented by foreign countries are also used by Japan. Its essence can be seen as the development of the international division of labor. This division of labor is extremely beneficial from the perspective of international trade.
【英国《核武器数据库》1985年第1期报道】布林顿厂退役后,美国其余7个厂对核武器生产的贡献如下[以 B-61111型航弹(新型完备引信航弹)生产为例]:1.利弗莫尔/洛斯阿拉莫斯/
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缅甸铁路最近与法国阿尔斯通公司签订了一份订货合同。该合同包括订购15台B_0B_0B_02000PS(1471kW)的电力传动内燃机车和一大批机车零部件,其中包括6台SEMT-Pieltick 12PA4V