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  China is a medium-sized country that has the most population on Earth. China has deserts, mountains, and cities, with lots of towers and buildings peeking out of the ground. The food is traditional, like dumplings, moon cakes, Zongzi, steamed buns, Rice, Tea, and other delicious foods. Some of them are hand-made, and others will be already made in shops. Dumplings are hand-made, and you don’t need much ingredients(原料)and stuff(馅料)to make it. There are ancient weapons that are made in China. They were used for protecting the country, or just to protect the doors of the king’s castle. There were wooden bows(木弓), approximately used for soldiers, to aim at long distance.
  Get ready to have a trip to China sometime!China is filled with joyfulness(快樂). There are lots more to explore within. So, get ready to pop your eyes out(瞪大眼睛看看)!
  (指导老师:Dhanasit Srijamorn)
圣诞老人,是每个孩子童年里最真、最纯的梦想。无论是童话,还是现实,你都可以拥有圣诞老人降临到你身边的愿望。圣诞老人不只是骑着驯鹿的红衣老人,也不只会在圣诞夜才出现为你带来惊喜。圣诞老人更是博爱、互助的象征,代表着生活的期盼与分享爱的心愿。  La La La La ...  I’m wishing on a star  And trying to believe  That even though
Everyone needs friends. If you have friends, they can help you when you need help. They can also comfort(安慰) you when you are sad. But how can we make friends?  First, you should be friendly to others
《妈妈曾告诉我》这首歌以一个小男孩的口吻,讲述了他向妈妈寻求关于爱的安慰与开导的经历。“人可以为爱给予,人也会因爱获得。”妈妈的话温柔而富有哲理,令孩子感到无比温暖。  I couldn’t sleep last night  There was something on my mind  I lay there wishing in the dark  Someone could tell me
There are 10 differences between these two photos.How many can you find?
Asako Kanda is from Japan. She has more than 4,519 different Hello Kitty items(物品). It is the most in the world. She even has a Hello Kitty toilet seat(馬桶座)!
Winter holiday is coming. What are you going to do this winter? Watching movies is a lot of fun. Here are some interesting movies you can watch during winter holiday. Let’s have a look.  企鹅国王再次迈出快乐的脚步
请用英文为图片配1-2句话,发送至《阅读》英語编辑邮箱,并附上你的姓名、学校、班级和联系电话。  我们将择优刊登,并为作者寄上精美奖品!赶快行动吧!  截稿日期:2021年5月15日  Mum, wake up! I want to play outside.  泰 州 赵子墨  How warm my mother’s arm is!  南 京 陆 阳  Ha
Hello, boys and girls. Do you like Christmas? Of course I do.I like Christmas very much. Early on Christmas morning, I canalways find many presents in the stocking on my bed. My motheralways says,“Wow
Who is lying?  到底是谁在撒谎?  A crime(犯罪)happens near Dino’s house. A man walks along a road.Suddenly, someone shoots(射擊)him. He falls backwards(向后倒)andhurts(受伤)the back of his head.  A policeman sends him