Molecular phylogeny of coronaviruses including human SARS-CoV

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z28419800
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Phylogenetic tree of coronaviruses (CoVs) in-cluding the human SARS-associated virus is reconstructed from complete genomes by using our newly developed K- string composition approach. The relation of the human SARS-CoV to other coronaviruses, i.e. the rooting of the tree is suggested by choosing an appropriate outgroup. SARS-CoV makes a separate group closer but still distant from G2 (CoVs in mammalian host). The relation between different isolates of the human SARS virus is inferred by first constructing an ultrametric distance matrix from counting sequence variations in the genomes. The resulting tree is consistent with clinic relations between the SARS-CoV isolates. In addition to a larger variety of coronavirus ge-nomes these results provide phylogenetic knowledge based on independent novel methodology as compared to recent phylogenetic studies on SARS-CoV. Phylogenetic tree of coronaviruses (CoVs) in-cluding the human SARS-associated virus is reconstructed from complete genomes by using our newly developed K-string composition approach. The relation of the human SARS-CoV to other coronaviruses, ie the rooting of the tree is suggested by choosing an appropriate outgroup. SARS-CoV makes a separate group closer but still distant from G2 (CoVs in mammalian host). The relation between different isolates of the human SARS virus is inferred by first constructing an ultrametric distance matrix from counting sequence variations in the genomes. The resulting tree is consistent with clinic relations between the SARS-CoV isolates. In addition to a larger variety of coronavirus ge-nomes these results provide phylogenetic knowledge based on independent novel methodology as compared to recent phylogenetic studies on SARS- CoV.
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