前列腺素(PG)是由机体的廿碳不饱和脂肪酸为前体而生成的具有广谱作用的强活性物质。至今已有12型,每型又分为1、2、3类。PGE_1目前已应用于临床治疗各种心脏病和血栓性疾病。本文将PGE_1与复方丹参液加低分子右旋糖酐静滴的疗效进行对比,旨在观察PGE_1对老年冠心病的治疗价值。1 资料与方法住院冠心病人126例,男89例,女37例,随机分为2组,治疗组88例,对照组38例。年龄60~84岁,平均68.94±6.17岁。诊断符合1979年修订的冠
Prostaglandins (PGs) are potent and broad-spectrum actives produced by the body’s 20-unsaturated fatty acids. So far there are 12 types, each type is divided into 1,2,3 categories. PGE_1 has been used in clinical treatment of various heart disease and thrombotic diseases. This article PGE_1 and Danshen solution plus low molecular weight dextran intravenous infusion of efficacy compared to observe the PGE_1 treatment of elderly patients with coronary heart disease. 1 Materials and Methods 126 cases of coronary heart disease hospitalized, 89 males and 37 females, were randomly divided into two groups, 88 cases in the treatment group and 38 cases in the control group. Aged 60 to 84 years, mean 68.94 ± 6.17 years. Diagnosis consistent with the revised 1979 crown