Effect of Oleic Acid-modified Nano-CaCO_3 on the Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jweblogicdownload
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Oleic acid OA-modified CaCO3 nanoparticles were prepared using surface modification method. In- frared spectroscopy IR was used to investigate the structure of the modified CaCO3 nanoparticles, and the result showed that OA attached to the surface of CaCO3 nanoparticles with the ionic bond. Effect of OA concentration on the dispersion stability of CaCO3 in heptane was also studied, and the result indicated that modified CaCO3 nanoparticles dispersed in heptane more stably than unmodified ones. The optimal proportion of OA to CaCO3 was established. The effect of modified CaCO3 nanoparticles on crystallization behavior of polypropylene PP was studied by means of DSC. It was found that CaCO3 significantly increased the crystallization temperature, crystal- lization degree and crystallization rate of PP, and the addition of modified CaCO3 nanoparticles can lead to the for- mation of β-crystal PP. Effect of the modified CaCO3 content on mechanical properties of PPCaCO3 nanocompo- sites was also studied. The results showed that the modified CaCO3 can effectively improve the mechanical proper- ties of PP. In comparison with PP, the impact strength of PPCaCO3 nanocomposites increased by about 65% and the flexural strength increased by about 20%. Oleic acid OA-modified CaCO3 nanoparticles were prepared using surface modification method. In-frared spectroscopy IR was used to investigate the structure of the modified CaCO3 nanoparticles, and the result showed that OA attached to the surface of CaCO3 nanoparticles with the ionic bond. Effect of OA concentration on the dispersion stability of CaCO3 in heptane was also studied, and the result indicates that modified CaCO3 nanoparticles dispersed in heptane more stably than unmodified ones. The optimal proportion of OA to CaCO3 was established. behavior of polypropylene PP was studied by means of DSC. It was found that CaCO3 significantly increased the crystallization temperature, crystal-lization degree and crystallization rate of PP, and the addition of modified CaCO3 nanoparticles can lead to the for-mation of β-crystal PP. Effect of the modified CaCO3 content on mechanical properties of PPCaCO3 nanocompo-sites was Also studied. The results showed that the modified CaCO3 can effectively improve the mechanical proper- ties of PP. The impact strength of PPCaCO3 nanocomposites increased by about 65% and the flexural strength increased by about 20%.
一、奇迹,确实在瞬间发生 1998年年初以来,两种分别被命名为“RFC褪色古代壁画及彩绘文物恢复固色剂”和“FCB古代壁画与彩绘文物保护剂”的液态溶液,伴随着它的主人,从文物
巨噬细胞acrophage,MΦ)是宿主抵抗微生物病原体的首要防线,既是主要抗原呈递细胞(antigen-presenting cell,APC),又是免疫效应细胞,可以直接杀伤病原微生物和肿瘤细胞。许多