A Study on Pragmatic Failure in Inter—cultural Communication

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  Abstract: Pragmatic failures in inter—cultural communication have been very common phenomena and to a large extent are influencing smoothness and effectiveness of communication seriously. This paper focuses on pragmatic failures in different speech acts, and presents strategies to avoid pragmatic failures and provides the reference to the English teachers.
  Key Words: pragmatic failure inter—cultura communication
  1. Introduction
  Levison (1983:376) notes that there is considerable room for intercultural misunderstanding. It is undoubted that both grammatical error and pragmatic failure may irritate or hinder communication. As Thomas (1983: 97) puts it, “ while grammatical error may reveal a speaker to be a less than proficient language—user, pragmatic failure reflects badly on him/her as a person.”
  2. Pragmatic failure in different speech acts
  The first thing for people to do when they meet is to address. The way is which people address one another usually depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. Each culture has its own address system with its own rules which need to be acquired if a person wants to communicate appropriately.
  Example 1
  One Sunday morning, an American went to her Chinese colleague’s house for a visit.
  When she came in, she met with a warm greeting by her colleague’s daughter:
  “Good morning, auntie!”
  She was a little embarrassed and could say nothing but smile.
  The young girl tried to show her politeness by addressing the foreigner ‘auntie’. Of course she did not realize that a pragmatic failure arose in addressing. In order to show friendliness and familiarity, Chinese people tend to use many intimate words and expressions to maintain a social relationship. That is the reason why Chinese children are trained to address people of different age as “grandpa”, “grandma”, “auntie”, “uncle”, “brother” or “sister”. To Americans, only family members can be called in this way.
  In English, accompanied with greetings is usually a brief period of small talk about neutral topic such as the weather, such as: “Lovely weather isn’t it?” before opening the topic of conversation. In China, Chinese people tend to greet acquaintances with “Have you had your dinner?” if you greet the native speakers of English this way, it will certainly cause pragmatic failure and they might think you are inviting him to dinner. In fact, it is a Chinese way of greeting when people meet. Chinese people are inclined to greet people with “Hi, where are you heading for?” but native speakers of English are quite sensitive to such questions, they regard as an invasion of westerners’ privacy.   2.3Compliments
  As to responding to compliments, Chinese speakers frequently responded to compliments with rejection followed by self—denigration, while “thank you” is the most frequent response among Americans. It was found that the Americans are primarily motivated by Leech’s Agreement Maxim (compliment acceptance) while the Chinese is motivated by his Modesty Maxim (compliment rejection and self—denigration). This difference appears to be related to differences of social values between the two cultures, particularly in their respective beliefs regarding what constitutes self—image, which is likely to cause pragmatic failure to people from different cultures.
  3.Strategies to avoid pragmatic failures
  In order to avoid pragmatic failure, the first step is to raise pragmatic awareness of both learners and teachers. The pragmatic awareness can be raised form two perspectives. On one hand, teachers should lay emphasis on pragmatic competence and teachers should lay emphasis on pragmatic competence and teach in context. On the other hand, learners should learn to speculate or understand an utterance with ambiguous meaning with the help of context, or find out the implicature of an utterance by analyzing the pragmatic strategies employed.
  This paper mainly investigates the pragmatic failure in different speech acts and explores the differences in address, greeting, farewell, compliment and request. And then give some suggestions on avoiding pragmatic failure. In fact, only when we improve not only linguistic competence but also pragmatic competence, can we avoid pragmatic failures and make successful intercultural communication.
  Leech, G.N. (1983). Principles of pragmatics. New York: Longman Group Limited.
  顾曰国 (Gu, Yueguo). (1992). 礼貌、语用与文化. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
  何自然(He, Ziran), 陈新仁(Chen, Xinren). (2004). 当代语用学. 北京: 外语教学与研究出社.
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摘要:语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的表现形式。新课标中把文化意识列为学生语言综合运用能力的五个内容之一。本文并结合自身的教学实践,探讨了在英语教学中从词汇、语法等几个方面渗透文化知识,逐步使学生养成跨文化交际的意识,让学生在实际中正确地运用语言。  关键词:英语课堂;文化意识;渗透  0引言  随着我国对外交往与民族接触的日益迫切的需要,英语教学要重视交际能力的培养和随之而来的要求对其所属文化有所
一、引言  中国古代教育一直秉承“先学做人后学做事”的传统,而近代中国高等教育在市场经济高速发展的影响下,人才培养目标和价值取向一度存在着“重科技轻人文,重专才轻通才,重知识轻能力,重统一轻多样,重理论轻实践,重做事轻做人”(贾献忠,2003)的问题,大学生人文素质状况令人担忧。面对困难和挫折,大学生心理承受能力极其脆弱,自杀事件屡屡发生,更有刑事犯罪不断出现,2004年轰动全国的马加爵杀人案和2
The 2012 London Olympic Games is yet to begin, the news that American athletes are going to wear Chinese—made uniforms at the opening ceremony has already hit the headlines.  What’s more, of the 194 s
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摘要:英语教学在各个教学阶段都是非常关键的,尤其是初中阶段,课堂的质量问题直接影响到学生的学习积极性和总体教学效果。新目标英语教学最重要的目的就是培养学生的英语学习兴趣,只要提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,才能更好地实现教学目标。本文主要论述了在初中新目标英语的教学过程中,如何有效激发与培养学生的英语学习兴趣,以期能够为相关的教学实践提供些许理论基础。  关键词: 初中新目标英语;兴趣教学;现状问题;有