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非嗜铬性副神经节瘤(Nonchromaffin paraganglioma,NCPG),是一种比较少见的疾病。一般认为该肿瘤不具有分泌儿茶酚胺能力,为非功能性肿瘤。但国外已相继发现不少病例确具有功能性者,国内亦见有2例报道。我院于1967~1985年间共收治9例NCPG,其中2例系功能性病例。 [例1]男,38岁。高血压3年余(170~220/110~120mmHg),服药治疗无效,因腹块1月住院。体检:血压170/100mmHg,左上腹扪及一肿块,约6×6cm表面光滑,质地稍硬,无压痛,略可向左右移动。血、尿常规,肝肾功能,大便隐血试验及胸部X线检查均无异常。手术见肿块位于腹膜后第二腰椎水平,腹主动脉与下腔静脉之间,约9×7×5cm大小,有波动感,穿刺为血性。瘤体血供极丰富,分离时甚易出血。因与下腔静脉粘连紧密,肿瘤切除后其壁有残留。术后血压即正常,住院2月后出院。病理报告:非嗜铬性副神经节瘤。 Non-chromophoric paraganglioma (NCPG) is a relatively rare disease. It is generally believed that the tumor does not have the ability to secrete catecholamines and is a non-functional tumor. However, it has been found that many cases have been functional in foreign countries, and two cases have been reported in China. In our hospital, 9 cases of NCPG were treated between 1967 and 1985, of which 2 cases were functional cases. [Example 1] Male, 38 years old. Hypertension for more than 3 years (170 ~ 220/110 ~ 120mmHg), medication treatment was invalid, due to abdominal block in January hospital. Physical examination: blood pressure 170/100mmHg, left epigastric hernia and a lump, about 6 × 6cm smooth surface, slightly hard texture, no tenderness, can be moved to the left and right. Routine blood, urine, liver and kidney function, fecal occult blood test and chest X-ray examination were not abnormal. The operation showed that the mass was located at the second lumbar level behind the retroperitoneum, between the abdominal aorta and the inferior vena cava, about 9x7x5cm in size, with a sense of volatility, and puncture was bloody. The blood supply to the tumor is very abundant and it is easy to bleed when it is separated. Due to the close adhesion with the inferior vena cava, there is a residual wall after removal of the tumor. Postoperative blood pressure was normal and hospitalized after 2 months of hospitalization. Pathology report: non-chromatid paraganglioma.
晴好的日子,总会受到干燥的困扰,一不小心嘴唇就会干裂、蜕皮,甚至因为过于干燥而爆裂、出血,真是糟糕!为了呵护娇嫩双唇,快快行动起来吧! Sunny days, always suffer from