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在青藏高原的运动变形过程中,断层活动起着至关重要的作用.本文利用有限元数值模拟的方法,分别计算了在GPS做边界约束下青藏高原及周边区域的连续体模型和含断层的不连续体模型的运动状态和应力场分布.从连续性模型和非连续体模型的差异发现,断层存在与否很大程度上影响了青藏高原现代运动场的分布.主要体现在,断层的滑移运动(1)增加了青藏高原东西两侧的拉张趋势;(2)加大了青藏高原物质东移的速度;(3)改变了塔里木和柴达木盆地的运动状态.模拟结果显示,非连续模型的运动场分布与GPS观测结果吻合程度大大高于连续体模型结果,表明断层活动在青藏高原的运动学和动力学过程中起着重要的作用,在研究青藏高原的动力学机制中,必须考虑断层作用的影响. In the process of movement and deformation of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, fault activity plays a crucial role.In this paper, the finite element numerical simulation method is used to calculate the continuum model and the fault model Discrepancy between the motion state and the stress field of the discontinuity model From the difference between the continuity model and the discontinuity model, it is found that the presence or absence of the fault greatly affects the distribution of the modern playground in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is mainly reflected in the slip of the fault The movement (1) increases the stretching tendency of the eastern and western sides of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, (2) increases the rate of eastward movement of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and (3) changes the movement of the Tarim and Qaidam basins. The simulation results show that the non- The consistency of the motion field of the continuous model with the GPS observation results is much higher than that of the continuum model, indicating that the fault activity plays an important role in the kinematics and dynamics of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In studying the dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau, Consider the effect of faulting.
科学技术的改进总是在推动人类的进步,而新材料的应用在其中扮演着不可替代的角色。据美国《大众机械》2009年1月报道,美国芝加哥的一家创新技术和材料搜寻公司IN- The impr
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课程剪影Souvenir of china中国纪念品2009年3月2日.中国美术学院工业设计系与来自卡尔斯鲁厄艺术与设计大学的同学们开展主题为“中国纪念品”的逾期一周的交流研讨项目 Sy
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