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《思想道德修养与法律基础》课是中宣部、教育部规定的高等学校各专业开设的公共必修课,是提高大学生思想道德素质和法律素质的主渠道和主阵地。本文针对当前高职院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程教学存在的问题,从教学内容、教学手段、教学方法、考核评价等方面进行改革探索。 The course of “Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Law Basis” is a public compulsory course provided by the various departments of higher education specified by the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Education. It is the main channel and the main front for improving the ideological, moral and legal qualities of college students. In this paper, according to the existing problems in the course of “Moral Cultivation and Law Basis” in higher vocational colleges, this paper tries to explore the reform from the aspects of teaching content, teaching methods, teaching methods, assessment and evaluation.
Various branched and cyclic hydrocarbons are isolated from the Fushun oil shale and their carbon isotopes are determined. The analytical results show that the b
我国零售业业态的变革是社会主义市场经济发展的必然产物,属于零售企业经营业态的根本性创新,其变革的发展趋势为集约化、多功能化、便利化和现代化. The reform of retail for
This paper reports Re-Os and Nd isotopes of black shales at the bottom of Lower Cambrian from the northern Tarim Basin and traces source materials of the black
The Nanxiong red-bed basin and its adjacent Zhuguang granite form a distinctive basin-mountain landform in the Nanling region, South China. Research results sug
摘 要:护理礼仪在护理教学中逐渐得到了重视,护理人员学习护理礼仪对提高自身素质和提高整个护理行业的形象都有重要的作用。本文对护理礼仪进行简单的介绍,并分析在护理教育中开展护理礼仪教学的必要性。教师在教学模式上应努力实现教学内容的多样化,为学生提供更多的实践机会,使学生在护理礼仪方面得到进步。本文对护理礼仪在护理教育中的必要性和教学模式进行了分析。   关键词:护理礼仪;护理教育;必要性;教学模式