四年级的学生,在教师的帮助下,通过对一些有代表性的课文的讲读,逐步掌握了几种概括段意的方法,初步具备了概括段意的能力。在这样的基础上,怎样引导学生进一步提高这方面的能力呢?我认为应该给学生明确地提出几条衡量概括段意优劣的标准。一般来说,概括段意应该做到:准确、简明、通顺。 先说准确。下面试举例说明。 例段1:一九五一年一月二日早晨,朝鲜石田里的山野上铺着厚厚的雪。几个朝鲜小朋友在河面上滑冰。突然喀嚓一声,冰破了,一个孩子惊叫一声,掉进冰窟窿。他的同伴都吓得哭起来。(八册《罗盛教》第一段) 学生在概括这段的段意时,有以下几种答案: a、天气十分寒冷,一个孩子掉进了冰窟窿。
In the fourth grade, with the help of teachers, through the reading of some representative texts, they gradually mastered several ways to summarize the meaning of the paragraphs and initially possessed the ability to summarize the paragraphs. On such a basis, how can we guide students to further improve their abilities? I think we should give students a few clear criteria for measuring the pros and cons of paragraphs. In general, the summary should be done: accurate, concise, fluent. First accurate. Here's an example to illustrate. Example 1: On the morning of January 2, 1951, there was thick snow on the fields in Ishida, North Korea. Several North Korean children skate on the river. Suddenly snapped, ice broke, a child exclaimed, fell into the ice hole. His companions were scared to cry. (Volume VIII, “Lo Shing Teutology,” the first paragraph) Students summarize the paragraphs in this paragraph, the following answers: a, the weather is very cold, a child fell into the ice hole.