Animal models of melanoma: a somatic cell gene delivery mouse model allows rapid evaluation of genes

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The increasing incidence and mortality associated with advanced stages of melanoma are cause for concern. Few treatment options are available for advanced melanoma and the 5-year survival rate is less than 15%. Targeted therapies may revolutionize melanoma treatment by providing less toxic and more effective strategies. However, maximizing effectiveness requires further understanding of the molecular alterations that drive tumor formation, progression, and maintenance, as well as elucidating the mechanisms of resistance. Several different genetic alterations identified in human melanoma have been recapitulated in mice. This review outlines recent progress made in the development of mouse models of melanoma and summarizes what these findings reveal about the human disease. We begin with a discussion of traditional models and conclude with the recently developed RCAS/TVA somatic cell gene delivery mouse model of melanoma. The increasing incidence and mortality associated with advanced stages of melanoma are cause for concern. Few treatment options are available for advanced melanoma and the 5-year survival rate is less than 15%. Targeted therapies may revolutionize melanoma treatment by providing less toxic and more effective Strategies, However, maximizing effectiveness no further understanding of the molecular alterations that drive tumor formation, progression, and maintenance, as well as elucidating the mechanisms of resistance. Several different genetic alterations identified in human melanoma have been recapitulated in mice. This review outlines recent progress made in the development of mouse models of melanoma and summarizes what these findings reveal about the human disease. We begin with a discussion of the human diseases.
[摘要]初中生厌烦写作,掌握不好写作方法,无法在有限时间内写出高质量的作文,直接影响了学生的语文成绩。笔者从事初中语文教学多年,在作文教学中积累了一定的经验,从培养学生的观察能力、提高写作兴趣、对比讲评、强化修改等几方面入手,帮助学生提高写作水平,使学生会写、爱写,写得好。  [关键词]初中语文 写作水平  [中图分类号]G633.41 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2015)
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