
来源 :中国卫生法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangshuai824
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从违法行为的构成来看,行为人以一个主观过错,实施一个行为,侵害一个客体,就是一个违法行为。如果有两个或两个以上过错,实施了两个或两个以上行为,侵害了两个或两个以上客体,就是数个违法行为。它包括同种类的和不同种类的数个违法行为。行为人实施数个卫生违法行为而应承担的数个卫生法律责任即为数责。如某行为人开一餐馆,其用水不符合饮用水卫生标准,个人卫生差无消毒盥洗和防腐防尘设施,这虽是三个卫生违法行为,触犯了《食品卫生法》的不同条款,但都违反了食品生产经营者必须达到的基本卫生要求的规定,是同种数个卫生违法行为。又如某人先后出售腐败变质食物、制造假药、拒绝对甲类传染病污染的污物进行消毒,这是三个各自独立的行为,尽管这些行为在同一段时间或是连续发生的,由于每个行为的性质不一样,分别违反了食品、药品和传染病方面的卫生规定,而构成了数个种类不同的卫生违法行为。由此可见,数责必须是行为人具有数个主观过错,实施了数个卫生违法行为,侵犯了数个不同的直接客体,而应承担的数个卫 From the point of view of the constitution of the illegal act, the perpetrator commits an act against a subject through a subjective fault, which is an illegal act. If there are two or more mistakes, two or more acts have been committed and two or more objects have been violated, there are several offenses. It includes several types of offenses of the same and different kinds. It is the responsibility of the perpetrator to take several health legal responsibilities that should be assumed when implementing several health violations. Such as a party to open a restaurant, the water does not meet the drinking water health standards, poor personal hygiene non-sterile toilet and anti-dust facilities, although this is three health violations, breach of the “Food Sanitation Law,” the different provisions, but All violate the basic hygiene requirements that food producers and traders must meet and are the same number of health violations. Another example is the sale of spoilage food by one person, the manufacture of counterfeit medicines and the refusal to disinfect the contaminated contaminated by infectious diseases of type A, which are three separate behaviors. Although these acts occurred at the same time or continuously, Each of these acts is not the same in character and violates the health provisions of food, medicine and infectious diseases, respectively, and constitutes several different types of health violations. It can be seen from this that it is imperative that the guilty plea must have several subjective faults on the part of the perpetrator, have implemented several sanctions against sanctions and violated several different direct objects,
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第一章 总则第一条 (目的和依据)为了加强公用电话的管理,根据《上海市保护和发展邮电通信规定》,制订本办法。第二条 (定义)本办法所称的公用电话,是指设置在商店、机场、
律师:我是一家服装厂的质检员, 由于疏忽,致使一批次品流入客户手中,给厂里造成了很大的经济损失,厂方说我造成的损失得由我赔偿,于是便从我的工资中扣除,连续3个月,我的工